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Wednesday, December 29, 2004
here s a bit on my results. Wasnt good, but fuck man, considering the shit that i have been thru this sem, especially with all the relationship problems and my bike problems, i cant say they didnt affect my studies. Add that to a very busy semester with Arts Open and getting newly acquainted with MC dynamics, i m not going to waste my time sulking over my results.

in any case, NEVER EVER tell me u did badly for your results, and then say something like 3.8 afterwards blah blah..i hate people who act like this. There are lots and lots of people out there who did much much worse so be sensitive about it yeah.

the feeling sucks when u quarrel with an old friend whom you know for 5 years. Guess it was a misunderstanding and both of us were kinda tired..realli sorry yeah..

on a lighter note, tom s MC chalet yeah..quite sure we ll have lotsa fun haha.. but still think we should go mambo ah..haha..

hey girl, if u re readin this,u re always making me laugh u know haha..You little idiot. Maybe its just you.

what a hectic past few daes for me haha..and the next few daes even more hectic, going MC chalet at East Coast from wed to fri!! yay...

went for FOP meeting yesterdae and the prospect of FOP greatly excites me.. i got Arts Camp PD, a challenge which i relish greatly, and which i know will keep me occupied for the rest of the year. i m glad the talk with Ridhwan cleared up many issues that were bothering me, and i m damn glad and encouraged by the support he s given me. Aaron too, His sentence "Hock dun worry, u take PD, we all seniors will come back and support you!!!" was very very encouraging for me. Thanks dude.

To most people, Arts Camp only takes place in June or July next year. But for me, the journey has already began. I know taking up this job will involve a lot of sacrifices, a lot of sweat, a lot of money, a lot of conflicts here and then, a lot of time, a lot a lot of stuff... but i have decided to follow my heart and my passion. I know that at the end of the day, and at the end of the camp 7 months later, when i look back at all that has happened and all that i have done, everything would have been worth it.

It happened to me before with the Youth Leadership Training Camp 3 years ago. When i reflect about the camp now, all i see before me were beautiful wonderful memories as a PD..and these are things which stay with you for the rest of your life.

Arts Camp will no doubt be a new experience. Steven once told me that the greatest satisfaction he got from being O Week PD was when almost 300 Arts personnel did collective cheering in front of him. That kind of feeling, that kind of high, honestly speaking, i cannot wait to experience.

An added feeling is that ridhwan told me yesterdae that it is the first time in years that the Arts Camp PD is a freshmen..Pressure on me? Definitely. If Arts Camp cock up, FOP as a whole will be severely affected. That was a hesitation i faced in the beginning, before we submitted our proposals, before i talked to Eunice, before i thought about Raynard, before i sat down and thought hard about it....

Am i scared now?


In fact, i feel so psyched up for this challenge. i cannot wait to get the first com meeting underway. I feel confident, but not over-confident, because there are still a lot of holes and red tapes which i do not know. But i know there are a lot of people around who love Arts Camp and who love Arts Club who will guide me along the way. Seniors especially, and i really appreciate that.

If there's one thing i like in life, it is to prove people wrong in the right way. :p

And so, with the end of the meeting yest, the journey to Arts Camp 2005 officially begins for me.

Sunday, December 26, 2004
continue from previous blog...

christmas todae i spend the afternoon cleaning and bathing my wife..haha now she s all clean and fresh..i havent showered her for a long time man..while i was cleaning, a mini-fire broke out at a rubbish chute near where i was standing..lotsa smoke, and someone called the firemen and police..haha quite happening..but by the time those people arrived, the fire was oredi put out and the action was over

i think i m becoming noctournal..ever since exam period, i have been feeling so damn awake at nite and restless during the dae haha..these past few daes also..went cafe cartel at city hall with woosie head and hao jie jie for coffee and we had a real good chat bout girls, relationships, our old buddies, and lotsa rubbish haha..its good to meet up with all your old frenz now and then..when school starts again, we prob wont have much time to meet again hor.. i miss my army buddies man hahaha..all leading our own separate lives now..


heh..then after that we walked to lotsa nearby places..boat quay, clarke quay, riverside point, fullerton, chjimes..hmmm somehow the atmosphere not v happening tonite..guess most people tired from all that celebrating on christmas eve..

saw a lot of nice romantic places..haha..not bad not bad..

always felt that its a waste that singapore dun have snow..i havent seen snow in my life yet, but one day i would want to bring the person i love to embrace snow together at the top of a snowy mountain somewhere in Scotland haha..always wanted to visit Scotland esp Loch Ness Lake since i was young..i used to have this fascination with the Loch Ness Monster and i still do in a way..maybe i wud have my honeymoon there hahaha

results are out later but what the heck, there s pretty much nothing i can do about it and therefore i havent been worrying at all bout it..considering the shit and stuff that i ve been thru this semester, and considering its my first sem, it wud be a great encouragement if i do well.

its been a good break the past few daes haha..very much looking foward to mc chalet, where i m sure we ll bond even better.. :p feedback session last week was good, at least it cleared a lot of my doubts..

so much has happened durin the past year..esp the transition from army daes to uni life..guess i ll take e next few days to reflect on 2004, and perhaps make some realistic new year resolutions haha..


to all of u out there and still awake: HAPPY BOXING DAE!!!!!! :p

just reached home..in fact, the past few daes i onli reached home at like 4,5 am. Christmas i went town with yiming..BAD MISTAKE. A lot of kalengs as usual pushing and shoving here and there (whats their prob???!!) we had a nice long chat at coffee club express but wah lau they only serve christmas set meals that nite..which means.......


for the record, i have a very soft spot for tiramisu...esp tiramisu from the coffee club express beside california fitness..oh man..i fell in love with this sweet little thing since the first time i licked and sucked it haha

anyway later on we went pubbing at this new place called Round Midnite..nice place but a bit too empty for my liking..anyway glad u sorted out your thoughts boy! i m damn proud of u.....after that went back to find da niao, woosie head, and ernie at taka..basket they were the ones selling those cans of spraying stufff which were like damn irritating man haha! i heard from them got some cheeky people tried to spray upskirt girls who were wearing skirts, and some downblouse..wah piang damn horny ah these people ahahhahah

anyway, i feel v old when i trot on the streets..too packed and not my kind of thing anymore..somemore a lot of pesky and irritating chao ah bengs and kalengs..i m not going orchard for christmas eve in future..

Friday, December 24, 2004
reached home not long ago...had a fantastic time at china black haha..e music was good and i ended up on the podium all e way till 3 am. Didnt drink much coz i rode there. Had supper at newton with our group and basically talked cock for a long long time.

haha kudos to Chen Shui Bian!! not only can we do funny shit at camps, but we sure can chiong man!! haha, esp lynette

i enjoyed myself thoroughly coz i met my old sec and jc classmates at black as well..eddie's group, and sicong 's group..shane, kangwei, sicong,havent seen so many of u guys for a fuckin long time.

big-turn off of the night-- there were these 2 fucking gays dancing in front of me at one stage. They held each other in their arms face-to-face and were acting so intimately, fucking gross and make me wanna puke. One of them was acting more gu1 niang1, and their hands were all over each other. So much for free love...bah

listening to Real to Me by Brian Mcfadden..great song

feels great to be a single :p i m thoroughly enjoying myself now

Thursday, December 23, 2004
Two words to sum up todae...........

China Black

Nuff said.

what a night, what a sight, 10 000 lighted candles, 10 000 flames... what a moment

i ve seen some beautiful things in my life, and this has got to go down as one of the finest.. a circle of 10 000 lighted candles around you..what a beautiful memory.. the atmosphere..the song..the people and vips all around who came foward and help us light the candles...when they off the lights in the expo hall and whats left of light comes from those 10 000 candles, it dawned on me, and a lot others the magnitude of our task..all those shifts of selling candles to the public, and all the efforts these past 2 days have finally come to a grand and deserving finale.

absolutely beautiful. i m really quite stunned by the beautiful sight. The songs later on and everybody singing together in the hall with all 10 000 flames surrounding us..

tonight i feel that a part of me..something inside me was revived...it reminded me very much of my odac days, when we always had campfires, and everybody wud huddle around the fire singing, cheering, laughing..You could feel the spirit, the togetherness, the friendships, the bond, the love.

These are moments in life which you will never forget for a long long long time.

i think tonight marked a point where the MC has reached a new level of bond. i felt it very very strongly...and i am very very encouraged by it.

btw, u are a damn funny girl u idiot :p

Tuesday, December 21, 2004
phew...i m damn tired man..damn damn tired...

went for fop interview in the mornin and afternoon..then paid my bike instalments, and left with only 4 instalments! that means 4 more months and my bike payment will finally be cleared. Then went for tuition..kao, the kid is starting to piss me off..it can get very very irritating when kids are rude and dun listen to what you are tryin to teach them. Come to think of it, the only time when i lost my temper and raised my voice in these past few months was during tuition with my previous student, and it sure wasnt a pleasant experience for me. Getting angry with other people wastes a lot of energy.

phew..and the next two days, i ll be at expo setting up candles for the world record thingy..this holidaes has all been about work and chalets. i havent been meeting a lot of my old frenz, which kinda irritates me, coz i know when school starts, we prob wont have much time to meet up again *growl*

my eyes are closing on me..noooooooooo

Sunday, December 19, 2004
todae i am going to talk about rugby, haha, becoz a lot of memories came flooding back to me after watching new zealand take on england just now on tv

i recall with fondness the days when i was playing rugby for armour in my army daes..during early this year from jan to march..everyday was training, rest, and then more training..shiok man..

rugby is a tough game, a real men's game and i like to think of it as "legalised fighting" haha, but its great fun and testerone overflowing..most people who dunch play the game always have this conception that rugby is only a game for big guys, but there is a role for comparatively smaller guys like me haha..Although size is always an advantage, a lot of times u realize that the bigger and fatter the players, the slower they are (eg.Ronald ahahha).. which means to say smaller guys tend to be faster,quicker, and are harder to catch sometimes..speed is crucial in rugby, u may be big and strong, but if u are slow and lack the mental toughness, u are still going to be roughed out

moreover, in rugby, the 15 players are divided into 2 groups: the fowards and the cues. The fowards are essentially all the bigger size guys, while the cues are the smaller size ones. In a match, fowards will always fight with the opponent team's fowards, while cues will always fight with the opposing cues. i ve personally seen with my own eyes, guys who are even smaller than me take down 80 kg heavyweights haha..the key is being ferocious and knowing how to tackle properly, i.e going for the legs

the kind of feeling u get from playing in a competitive rugby match is very hard to describe..its kind of like going to a big fight, where u must try and protect yr teammates as well, or else one can get walloped by 6,7 guys at one time. Lots of underhand means also come into the picture..haha..i rem when i was playin last time against my opposing winger in a match, even though he oredi placed the ball away, i kicked him on his shin as hard as i could when the ref turned around.

rugby is pretty much like life in general..u get knocked down, u get whacked, and thrown all the over the field, but at the end of the day, u pick yourself up, dust off the mud, dirt and grass in your face, and carry on playing ..it teaches a person to be tough and meet challenges in life head on just like a tackle

looking back, i never regret joining the armour team for training and the competition..i still rem that time when i went over and played the game for e first time, lots of people had doubts about me, coz of my size. But i didnt give a fuck what they think..i trained very hard for a few months, and was finally rewarded when i scored the first try of my life, and one which i wont forget for the rest of my life. i rem receiving the ball from thayho, evaded a few challenges, and then just keep running and running down the touchline until i scored..haha, here s where there is a big difference between scoring a soccer goal and a rugby try: unlike soccer, normally for rugby, after scoring a try, u are just too fuckin shagged to celebrate so wildly,and normally u have piles of players stacking up on top of u..

i ll never forget that try i scored..it may mean little to the eventual score in that match, but it sure fucking meant a lot to me..another one of my dreams fufilled. Those few months of playing fulltime taught me a lot of lessons, (besides knowing how to fight and whack people better) and taught me to be mentally much tougher.


Saturday, December 18, 2004
2 stunning things happened to me..one good and one incredible which you ll find hard to believe heh

first of all, when i was jogging in the evening, i saw a rainbow!! it suddenly just struck me that i havent seen a full rainbow for years? hmmm..maybe its some sort of a sign from heaven? haha

second, this one no one will believe..coz its really incredible.. i was having dinner with my mum, and basically we da pao hor fun..anyway halfway thru the dinner when i placed one elbow on the table, the whole marble table cracked, gave way, and broke into pieces!! then everything on the table gave way, and all e hor fun etc etc splattered all over the place! all my other foodstuffs on the table also fell to the kitchen floor..no serious i m not joking haha! we had a tough time clearing up everything afterwards, with all the broken glass pieces, stained stuff, splattered hor fun and gravy all over the kitchen...it was as if a bomb had been dropped onto our kitchen

bah..now i have no kitchen dining table..another sign from heaven???? gotta eat in the living room table for the moment

life can be full of surprises sometimes haha..

Friday, December 17, 2004
dear all, i m back from Students Leaders Camp!! and i fucking love it yahoooo!!! :p

ahhaha, at first went there dun have the feeling..coz we got some jc outreach event in the morning in school..so when we all reach e east coast chalet, all of us feeling quite shagged out..but i was quite lucky, coz my group Chen Shui Bian was very onz..and ya know about camps, normally how much u enjoy it will depend on how fun-loving yr group is..haha

it was great too..to mingle with people from different faculties, diff organizations and groups..learnt a lot from this camp realli..at first tot it wud be those kinda serious camp, but in the end it was a damn relak and shiok camp haha..

the Beach!!! i fucking love it! the weather was perfect, the sun was bright and it was time for a good tan! haha..love the beach games..the water..the waves..i always feel very wild when i m at the beach haha..

another funny and interesting 1st experience during the camp..instead of the usual Secret Pal thingy of camps, they had this Speed Dating thingy..and SDU actually came in with a lot of sponsorship..hwah..they have a lot of money to be milked, and i m thinking of bringing them in for next year's Arts Camp haha..anyway back to the interesting part..so each person is given a form..and each girl is sitted at the beach at night, with the waves cruising and the stars twinkling nicely in a very relaxing atmosphere..basically each guy will talk with 10 different girls vice-versa..and each conversation will last bout 10 min..haha..quite funny lah..then say if ya interested in getting to know this person more, u will tick his or her name..if the other person also ticked yr name, so u have a match, then u will get the other person's contact no and vice-versa

it got a bit tiring in the end..talk and talk and talk until no voice ah haha..then it was funny coz my group had sining and swee giang..so we all decide to go for a toilet break in the middle of the speed dating thingy haha..

hahaha then each group had to perform a skit during the 2nd night..thats when u see all the funny stuff and people coming out..gay transsexual acts etc etc, ya know..the usual stuff haha..our group Ah Bian won! actually we won almost everything haha..best skit, best race, 2nd best beach games, and overall best group! haha..damn fun lah..

for the finale event, we had to build this raft and sail it out to the waters, u-turn, and come back to the shores asap..haha damn shiok ah..me, ken and lynette were the ones on the raft, and we gotta keep kicking and paddling..anyway the fun part was when u u-turn back, all the campers wud be throwing water-bombs at u and yr raft, and IT WAS A LOT OF BOMBS!!! some people are quite accurate..keep throwing in our faces hahaha..NOW I KNOW HOW D-DAY FELT LIKE FOR THE ALLIED SOLDIERS WHEN THEY LANDED ON THE BEACHES OF NORMANDY AHHAHA!! it was like raining water bombs..felt like going to war lydat..but it was great fun

guess i still havent lost my spirit for camps woohaha..made a lot of new frenz from the other fac clubs and nussu people..and of coz nussu PRU (public-relations-unit)..i think they have a real fun group of people..and i like their president and vp..

i used to have this bias view of nussu and their exco, just like a lot of other nus sudents i m sure..but after going thru this camp, i realize that these people are just like u and me..they are also normal crappy fun-loving people... who do a lot of work behind the scenes, just that nobody sees it and very few people appreciate the work they do..there was this forum on the last dae of camp where everyone was sharing opinions and info and i tot it was a great sharing session..

guess its easy to just complain bout other people when u dunch know what they have been doing behind the scenes..its natural for people in a way..

really enjoyed myself during the camp! was a great experience and learnt a lot, as well as made a lot of good contacts..i got a wider picture or a better macro-view of nus stuff and e other fac clubs..of course! not forgetting the sun, the beach, the waves, the babes, the bbq, the games...i needed a good break during this holidaes, and i think SLC gave me a refreshing time haha..

2 issues are bothering me though..2 things which i feel i eventually will need to sort out..cramped inside me but these are sensitive issues which i cant write here..Or am i thinking too much? hmm..

prob going for a run later to clear things in my mind..i m getting darker haha

Tuesday, December 14, 2004
haha, tomolo i m setting off for one of the things which i do best in my life = ala going to camps

yep, tom is the start of Students Leader Camp organized by who else but our dear frenz NUSSU haha..come to think of it..sometimes i still cant believe i ended up in the 26th NUSSU council, when i always used to kao pei nussu when i entered uni..oh well, but u gotta give these guys credit for trying hard to make a difference in NUS students' lives

i love camps..ever since my ODAC days, i ve went for countless camps..there were those tough training ones, and of coz those crap ones..camps are great for socializing and making new frenz, and just forgetting everything on yr mind haha..i tend to be very very kao pei, wild and easy-going at camps

i went PA camp, Sports Camp and Arts Camp when i first entered uni..that time i figured that what the heck, u r onli a freshmen once in yr life..might as well go for as much experiences as you can..haha sports camp and PA camp were good

which brings me to the point, i ve finally submitted my proposals for next year 's Arts Camp, O Week and Arts Bash 2!! Wooohoo! I spent a lot of time and effort into these..so much that i slept v little these few days..but its just a first draft lah..def subjected to lotsa changes..

hahahah..i have a very bad habit all these years which i still havent change..i ALWAYS pack my camp stuff onli on the actual morning of the camp..which means i have always been late for all these camps..haha, but what the heck lah its fine with me

anyway back to tom's camp, i hope it ll be fun lah..badly need a good break after a long week of work commitments..just conducted a sports cell meeting this morning and then attended another bike hike meeting in the afternoon...havent been playing as much mahjong as i should this holidaes haha

huiling s thinking of organizing a pri school gathering..u go girl~ it was great seeing all these old very old frenz at vanessa's bdae party..gosh i havent seen her in like 8 9 years? meeting yr old frenz always bring back lotsa memories..

riding bike to e camp tom..feels good to have my wife back :p

alright, take care all u guys, will be back here reflecting my thoughts in 3 days time

Sunday, December 12, 2004
i miss sentosaaaaa!!!!!!!!! the sun........the sand.......the sea......the babes

haha but i know i ll be back there before i know it

its great to be able to be back training! i have been going for a lot of runs recently..just completed a 45 min run just now plus 10 min of stair-climbing..the great thing is that i dun feel tired at all after that! in fact i feel i could have gone on longer..might book my ippt soon if i feel confident of clocking gold timings, haha $400 no joke leh, must make sure i get it

physically i feel in a great conditon..i clocked my personal best of one shot of 23 pull-ups last week..target is to reach 30!!

watched the everton liverpool match just now..haha, must say the blues look good and defensively sound, while pool looks tired after the champions league exertions..a good win for everton

tomorrow's the cracker: arsenal-chelsea.. i ll prefer an arsenal win or a draw so man united can catch up on chelsea..fulham's a tricky place but we shud get the 3 points

met songguang 2 daes ago at borders..we basically talked and talked from 4 plus till 9 at night..haha his idea of coffee therapy is great..had a great conversation bout arts camp, o week,rag, beach vball..i really feel for him after what he has gone thru recently..but i know he is strong enuff to pull through from it..take care brother

girls can be very funny..a lot of times they dun mean what they say, but they still say it. And after they said it, they realize that even though they dun mean what they say, but the fact that they have oredi said it makes it difficult for them to take back those words...because it would be unfair to the other party

hahhaha havent blog for 12 whole days.. so much has happened in these days

mambo nite at zouk..raphaus chalet at sentosa..shiok man got a new tan hahaha...mahjong sessions and of coz, lotsa mc work

phew..recharged my batteries these 2 days by trying to sleep normally and not doing a good job haha! i still sleep so much during the dae but not at night, guess the bio clock still not v well adjusted yet since end of exams

been busy thinking and doing my proposals for arts camp, o week and arts bash these 2 daes..added to this is sports cell stuff, with night cycling, beach volleyball, and ifg games..haha next sem i think i m gonna be real real busy..plus the selling of candles for the lighting ceremony at expo..i originally found a tentative research job recommended by chermaine but i had to give that up coz of this candles event

next week's gonna be packed as well..mondae sub com meeting, tues jc outreach talk, tues to thurs student leaders camp cum chalet, 21st-22nd candle lighting event, 29-31 mc chalet

haha what a packed holidaes..if u can call it a holidaes..lotsa work to be done and i m gearing up for it

Wednesday, December 01, 2004
what a fruitful dae/night! i jogged, i gave tuition, and did some weights training..thankfully my cough and flu s much better...

turns out that my new student's mum is an army regular! *gasp!* no wonder she was so particular bout me being late... (heh..well, dinner must slowly enjoy mah) she works at MINDEF..and then ask me which camp i was from... i mean, which mother in the world will ask u "which camp were u from?", unless u r an Israeli or an Agfhan...the scary thing was after i said kranji camp, she immediately said "ahhh, 41 SAR rite?"

i was a bit bewildered and amused..haha..somemore she looks quite big and strong, confirm got train and keep in shape wan..

man, looks like i better raise my awareness when i m in her house..she oredi outsmarted me liao..i tot there was only one door leading to her son's room, so when the door was closed, i felt more relaxed and at ease..then when my student wanted a drink, he just walked to this door diagonally behind me which is like out of nowhere and i realize that door leads to the living room and the kitchen..heh..u get the picture...there is this theory about men and escape routes/ walls which i ll elaborate next time..it basically explains why many men like to choose a restaurant seat near an opening or where they wont be facing a wall..next time next time

*i got my eyes on u, wont u bring them back to me
i got my eyes on u, u know where i m gonna be
i got my eyes on u, and i see you checking me
i got my eyes on u, and i like what i see*

great song by jay sean..haha i am looking foward to this song being played at mambo

tagboard s finally up..anyone who wants to join me in talking cock, pls help yourself :p



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