Tuesday, January 24, 2006

OEI U !!!
YES U!!!
I hate to talk to people on the phone while they are typing stuff.
When I m talking on the phone with someone, i give my full attention as a sign of respect. When the person doesnt reciprocrate, i think its really rude.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Bleah, isnt it funny that something which looks as simple as Arts Digest can take such a long time to compile and sent out sui sui...or mayb coz i m becoming more and more of a perfectionist..? hmmm..
I have a super super long dae tom..3 important external functions- 1 morning, 1 afternoon and 1 at night..phew.. and guess what? Tom's Arts Camp 2006's 1st meeting!!!!!
i need whatever rest i can...
Thursday, January 12, 2006
People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered.
Love them anyway.
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.
The biggest person with the biggest ideas can be
shot down by the smallest person with the smallest mind.
Think big anyway.
What you spend years building may
be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.
People really need help but may attack if you help them.
Help people anyway.
Give the world the best you have
and you might get kicked in the teeth....
Give the world the best you've got anyway.
- unknown
Long day. Phew...Pains me to see 1 of my 15 babies so upset..
Been a rainy few daes...hmmm..makes it especially hard for me to ride...
rainy nights also make me think of a lot of things.....and certain people.......
i m banned from the bar...haha...oh well, at least for a while only lah i think....
listening to a lot of old and sentimental songs now haha...i love old songs....somehow i always feel i could connect to them more...
sleeeepppy....... O_O
Monday, January 02, 2006
As always, with the end of a year comes new hopes, promises, dreams, as well as reflections and memories of the past year.....
2005 will always be special to me becoz of 3 things: Arts Camp, FOP, and Arts Club.
I was browsing through some of my old blog entries and realize that my blog is concretely 1 year old as well. :) Its always interesting to look thru yr past thoughts, because it brings u back memories of the past, and sometimes u laugh at yrself at how naive u were then..or the pain and happiness u have been thru then..
It was clear to me, as i look back at 2005, then Arts Club was the main part of my much that sometimes i sacrificed other aspects of my life for it. Some people say this as "no life", but i beg to differ very strongly, because there are so many lessons to learn from being in Arts Club, so many unforgettable memories, and so many new friends and contacts to be made.
Its hard for people outside to understand this fact sometimes, and ultimately, at the end of the day how each single individual defines "life" is also very subjective. For me, i view constantly watching tv, window shopping, constantly mugging, or wandering around aimlessly in uni as "no life", but again, that is subjective and solely my point of view... :p
For my 1st special memory of 2005, it has to be Arts Camp. No doubt about it. Looking back at my past blog entries, i was reminded exactly of how i felt for it then, from being appointed in 29th Dec 2004 right up till 23rd June 2005. It was such a huge part of my life, and touched me deeply in so many ways that i never thought possible. It was one of the decisive factors which made me re-run for Arts Club, at a point when i was tired of everything and just wanted to step down at the end of my term as Sports Director. There were plenty of scenes in this event that i will not forget for the rest of my life.
Seeing 300 people cheer in front of you, getting bonded in front of you from day 1 when they didnt know each other at all, is a priceless feeling that u cannot get elsewhere.
Seeing the 8 smses in yr handphone from the thanks and appreciation of each single House IC: Clement, Charmaine, Peizhen, Ivan K, Bobby, Sylvia, Swi Lin, Johan..reminds you of how much yr effort paid off..I still keep those 8 sms in my handphone todae, even though the camp has ended 6 months ago.
Have u ever seen grown men cry? I did, plenty of times during this experience. The last dae of the camp especially. I broke down, suzi broke down, steven broke down. Because the whole thing meant so much to all of us.
Something which remains in my mind still..i rem on the last dae when all the OGs were cheering possibly for the final time, Steven cried terribly. The tears just kept streaming down, and pointing at the cheering freshies, these were the exact words he said:
"Hock, this is the reason why I re-run."
And he said it again.
And again. And again.
Somehow at the back of my mind, I cannot forget this scene, and I have a feeling that this is exactly how I will react in June 2006.
For my 2nd special memory in 2005, it would be FOP as a whole. The continuation of the Camp into O Week, where for once, i could finally be in an OG of my own. Sarsi ll always be special to me, becoz they were the first OG i have ever led as a councilor. On the final night, they all rushed down to me, surrounding me, and doing all the funny stuff and cheers tat i have taught them, chanted my was another priceless memory..
Becoz i wasnt really involved in Rag 2004, Rag 2005 meant something much more special to me, and gave me a chance to feel and understand what it really feels like to be a Ragger. Pushing the structure all the way to SRC, and waitin in anticipation as Arts Fac gets ready to present our float and dance...Wow, what a feeling realli...
And finally, all the Arts Club events from Bash 1, Bike Quest, Beach Volleyball, Food Hunt, Futsal, V-dae Bazaar, Carnival, ISIS Gala Dinner to Arts Bash 2 and elections....Each of them meant something special to me in 2005....
And in the final third of 2005, making the decision to re run and gathering a new team of fresh mc members...going thru ROP and elections..facing a barrage of criticisms then and convincing others of the cause of fighting and running for Arts Club..adjusting to a new kind of personal mindset and decorum...It was really one of the toughest and emotionally testing/ draining periods of my life, for the last 4 months of 2005...Where i had to draw on the deepest reserves in my courage, strength, and faith, and confront personal barriers, fears, and limitations..But i felt it was also the period where I grew much much stronger as a person and a leader.
So all this, in a nutshell, is how significant 2005 was to me. I feel much wiser, stable, and mature from the uncountable experiences and lessons i learnt from 2005, which is why I believe this was a special year for me, and one which i know i ll rem for a long long time.
What then, are my hopes and resolutions for the new year? I thought quite hard about it todae..and realize that if i can achieve my personal vision for the 26th com, and successfully leave behind a stronger foundation for the Club to move foward, including an even stronger 27th MC, I will be a fufilled man in 2006. I still have about 8 months to do this. And i want to help my own MC members carve out beautiful memories for themselves, and make every single one of them stronger, so that they will finally understand why I wanted them to run in the first place....
On a personal note, I wish to see myself at the end of 2006, by the countdown celebrations, as a full-fledged bartendar and not just a server anymore. I will strive to achieve this target, and my first move, which has already been made, is to stop my tuition and commit more time to my outside job instead. At the end of the day, i dun feel i can learn much from giving tuition, and thats me..if i feel there s nothing more for me to learn about, i will move on, in search of greater heights.
At the end of 2006, (and by then i would have already stepped down from Arts Club), I hope to be able to spend much more time with my old friends, many of whom i have unfortunately neglected due to my tight schedules. By Oct 2006, I should be a much more free man, and I wish to use this time after to really compensate for the friendships which i havent had time to solidify further. Chilling out more, watching more movies, playing more soccer, spending much more time with friends.....
Haha, linked to the above point is that in a sense, I hope that I ll be spending Christmas 2006 with a special person that i realli love and who love me back in return. This has more or less been the longest period when i m single due to various reasons. But at the same time, I have been enjoying my singlehood and if the right girl doesnt come along, I dun wanna rush into things as well.
Note too that once again, it is at the bottom of my priorities for 2006, becoz i m still young, and there will be many many more years and time for relationships..Some things one can afford to wait but not others, like my term in office. Sometimes i just hope that more guys around me can see this bigger picture, and that it is not worthwhile to mess up your own life becoz of a girl. Unless a guy intends to get married by 24, there is really no need to rush things.
Yupz...spent quite a bit of time blogging this entry, but i think its time spent worthwhile..becoz it gives me time to reflect on the past year, and allows me to set a certain direction for myself for 2006. When a person does not set certain goals and vision for yourself, you may end up wandering and lumbering through the year not knowing what u want in life, and when the year ends, you dunno what you have achieved. I was inspired by Beng Chong in a way for this, becoz i rem last yr at Raphaus Chalet..he had this little book writing down all his goals for the new year, and which guides him towards being a successful person..
Having said so much, just wanna round things up by wishing all my friends a very HAPPY AND FUFILLING 2006!!! May all your positive visions and goals be achieved!!