Saturday, April 29, 2006
i cant rem the last time when i was sad..prob a few months ago...? shows how happy i have been e past few months..
but i m really sad tonight.
Its not becoz of exams...
At the time of my writing, chelsea just lifted e league title.
It wasnt just becoz we lost 3-nil.
Its the way we played..
And we lost rooney..
The injury looks bad..and seeing him in pain and anguish sums it all up for united fans..he was the last person anyone wants to be injured..
How could we have played so badly todae? It just doesnt make sense.
Silvestre was extremely disappointing..ever since the 1st time i watch him play for united, his career had been littered with personal silly errors..
Rio ferdinand..where was his urgency and determination?? Despite being a united fan, i do admit that my first choice for england's centre backs wud be terry and carragher, not ferdy..where was the marshalling of the defence? Steve bruce had it, gary pallister had it, jaap stam had it..where was rio's commitment and marshalling of the defence when we needed it the most????
Gary Neville..with all due respect to this incredible united servant who have chalked up over 500 appearances for us..i still cannot see the inspiration, charisma, and harsh words (to fire up e rest) needed for a united captain from him..bryan robson had it, cantona had it, keano had it...again when e chips were down, it wasnt gary who gave the team the lift. It was rooney, no doubt about it. Always had been rooney this season..and when he was stretchered off, it was clear that united were broken..rooney wud make a fantastic united captain in future no doubt about it.
Ronaldo..once again, he failed to deliver at the big match..his performance todae reminded me of the heart-breaking match against benefica few months ago in the champions could he have wasted so many free-kicks..sigh..and i still think he needs to be less selfish sometimes..
O Shea..tried to do what he could, but in reality, keano's departure left a huge gap in the defensive midfielder role which still has not been plugged...we need a top class midfielder soon..
It hurts really..
Hurts to see united get beaten..
Hurts to see chelsea lift the trophy in front of us..
Hurts to see the way we played..
but i m optimistic still..
becoz the last time any team won the premier league title in front of united..arsenal won it in 1998 at old trafford with a bitter 1-nil victory..united bounced back to win the treble the subsequent yr in 1999..
i m optimistic that after this forgettable dae in the history of united, the players will become stronger and bounce back next season with a vengeance. If they dun, then they dun deserve to be champions..
And despite what chelsea fans may claim, i still insist on my stand that they BOUGHT their way to the title. Liverpool didnt have to spend 200 million pounds to earn success in the 1970s and 1980s, united didnt have to spend 200 million to dominate the 1990s, arsenal didnt have to spend 200 million to win, neither did blackburn in 1995. Give ANY of the premier league manager (including MIck McCarthy) UNLIMITED MONEY, and see whether he can win it.
Its a sad sad night...
Thursday, April 27, 2006
yay! My 2 toughest papers (which i studied comparatively the least) are over! :) wah lau, esp draining was the 150 years of Chinese contemporary politics! e remaining papers can be considered more relak..and easier to study also..
13 THINGS U MAY NOT KNOW ABOUT HOCKY1) My fave cup noodle is the chilli crab one from nissin.
2) My fave mee pok prawn noodles is at the coffeeshop below my house. I ve eating that for like more than 10 years liao and i still love it!!!
3) My fave fruit is mango..
4) I love hugs!
5) I went thru POW training during my army scout course.
6) I once slept with my team just 1 metre opposite a few tombs at lim chu kang cemetery, after trekking for 60 km with full battle order around Singapore. Manz, we were so shagged then that we didnt care less liao.
7) I have a pull-up bar at home, and i love to do chin-ups!
8) I had my 1st kiss when i was 15.
9) My OC wanted to promote me to sergeant rank after ATEC back in army, but i rejected.
10) When i was in sec 2, i was playing this chinese chess game with another mate. He was winning, and got so ya ya then i couldnt stand it. (he was those super arrogant kind). So i stood up, took the jiang1 chess piece, and threw it right into his face. Needless to say, i was purged subsequently by my teacher-in-charge.
11) In sec 3, when my hair was a little bit long, a very strict PE teacher (who happened to be in a foul mood that morning) suddenly walked into the classroom, dragged me to the front, took out a pair of scissors, and sniped off my locks right in front of the classroom. After that, he coolly walked out of the classroom while i was instructed to take the broom and sweep away my own hair. Sob.
12) In sec 3(again),during the English lesson, i was joking around with this classmate seating beside me. Things got out of hand, and he had the cheek to insult my mother and call my mother names. So i stood up, punched him in his right cheek, with the trajecting force causing his spectacles to fly into the mid-air, (really like those drama shows on tv) landing right smack on the feet of the teacher Miss Yeo.
Needless to say, i was purged. (again)
13) Little hocky had his 1st ever date in his 1st ever relationship at the Raffles City Shopping centre outside city hall mrt. I rem i just came back from a trip to tioman island, and was standing at the mrt escalator waiting for her,and thats the 1st ever time i held the hand of a girl. haha. And i rem i was so happy then...chu1 lian4 wu2 xian4 hahaha..
So yesh in short, i have fond memories of the escalator leading up to Raffles starbucks cafe :p
Monday, April 24, 2006
The Five Love Languages
My primary love language is probably
Physical Touchwith a secondary love language being
Words of Affirmation.
Complete set of results
Physical Touch: | | 10 |
Words of Affirmation: | | 8 |
Quality Time: | | 7 |
Acts of Service: | | 3 |
Receiving Gifts: | | 2 |
Unhappiness in relationships, according to Dr. Gary Chapman, is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. Sometimes we don't understand our partner's requirements, or even our own. We all have a "love tank" that needs to be filled in order for us to express love to others, but there are different means by which our tank can be filled, and there are different ways that we can express love to others.
Take the quiz
Sunday, April 23, 2006
you know whats the good thing about blogging besides releasing stress? :)
Its that u can 1 shot look thru all yr past entries, yr past thoughts and feelings, everything bout the past...
haha, its really interesting when i look back now and then and reflect bout how i felt last time..esp during my entire year as a freshie and in mc..and fop 20005..arts camp..o week..rag... many priceless and fond memories haha..i wonder how i ll feel this coming fop term..esp when i ll be (gasp) year 3 liao hah..time flies..
also realize that i used to be more cheeky, playful, rowdy, wild, loud last time (with long hair!) haha, i still am, but much lesser extent choice lah..image haha.
which makes me i ll be like during this yr's fop..and after stepping down.. heh heh =p
On another note, a scarred person may like someone, but doesnt fall in love easily, not anymore.
I m a scarred person.
Which means i think of a million things before i feel i can commit.
Good or bad?
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Mao Zedong was once a librarian haha..
so he got it wrong when he says "Political power grows from the barrel of a gun".
It should be "Political power grows from the archives of a library"!
The human mind is a powerful weapon, probably the most powerful weapon in the history of mankind. And as Arts students who MOST frequently exercise our mind and critical thinking, we are the ones who will come to dominate mankind.
Scary isnt it? :)
Engineers, doctors, lawyers, businessmen, biologists, chemists, pharmacists, dentists, designers, whatever.
One Arts major to rule them all.
Haha, and anyway, beware of the librarian roaming around you while ya mugging in the library.
For he could be the next Mao...
Friday, April 21, 2006
I love Political Science, and i m glad i did not regret my decision in the past to take up Arts at JC level, which brought me into contact with Modern world history then in paper 7..
Glad that i didnt listen to eddie, my secondary classmate in chinese high, who famously told me on a bus (i still rem till todae) that studying Arts is useless, and only qualifies u to be a teacher. He was a vocal defender of the laws of physics and chemistry then and in hwa chong jc as well.. (haha surprisingly in the end when he came to NUS he became a Econs Major! yup..and he gets cap score of 5.0 and regularly features in the Deans List) Come to think of it, why the hell did he become a Arts student in the end haha..
Glad that i didnt try for Law fac..i was confident i could, but decided against in the end coz i felt then that i should follow my passion and study what i really love.
Glad that even when studying for PS examinations, i m enjoying it in a perverse sense of way haha..
Glad that my thirst for political science knowledge/ literature is growing instead of waning.
It really feels good to be studying something which i love. Really.
Made up my mind to work harder next sem onwards.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Btw, people who are not funny but try to be funny turns me off.
People who are not smart but try to be smart turns me off.
People who are not cool but try to be cool turns me off.
To these people, just shut up lah seriously.
I was absolutely delighted on tues coz..
1) Insomniac s finally here and e printed copy looks great! Glad that it received a lot of good reviews from many people and friends..certainly the best issue so far!
2) I got an A- for International Security essay and A for Singapore Foreign Policy by Alan Chong. All those 10 days of essaying paid off! And the best feeling is that according to old birds, alan chong rarely gives it was really a great honour for me..and collectively gave me more confidence for my preparations for e final exams..
3) I had a little quarrel on mondae..but in e end things were resolved well.. :)
Then, i got xian todae coz...
For my contemporary chinese politics essay, which i put in tons of effort as well, my lecturer gave me a B- . When i went to consult him over how to improve my essay and to learn from my mistakes, as i couldnt see any crosses or mistakes which he laid out, he told me the main reason why he gave that grade was coz he suspected me of plagarism, and u know why? Coz he said i didnt put any of his essential list of readings in my citations!
I was peeved, but i decided to hold back first, for i have a lot of respect for senior and experienced lecturers, and i see no point in arguing with him..what made me really annoyed was that he felt that the reason why i didnt include his list of citations (which includes some of his own writings) was coz i felt they were useless and invaluable! I felt this accusation was really unjustified, and wanted to bring my point across which was that if everybody uses the same text or readings he proposed, then wouldnt most people end up writing the same or similiar stuff? If this is the case, wouldnt it be hard for a student to bring across an alternative or refreshing view/insight, necessary to score an A?
And the thing is that despite not using his sources, i did went to the library to do my own research, and borrowed almost 20 related books! Those of u who have seen my "throne" in the clubroom wud have seen the amount of books laid out haha..and i put in a lot of effort to cite from these materials..further more, he allowed us to set our own questions for e essay, and my question was perfectly legitimate and relevant to the module.
Then he accuses me of not using materials from his lecture notes, and i tried to explain to him i did..becoz HALO, my main thesis was constructed based on his lect notes, and one's thesis is naturally the most impt point of any essay or intellectual product..
All this while, i wasnt able or rather, ALLOWED to put my point across coz everytime i tried to explain my viewpoint, eg about using fresh research materials, he interrupts me, and tells me that he is busy and still in the midst of marking 2 other essays, or he shakes his head before i could finish speaking, cuts me off half-way, and reiterates his own point again.
I can accept it if a lecturer criticizes me on the basis of poor writing style, shortage of facts, out of point, lack of counter-arguments, grammar etc..but i cannot accept it based on his argument of not using his selected readings. Isnt it part of a lecturer's job to promote a university student's critical and independent thinking, to encourage a student to know how to conduct his own research and present his own independent analysis and viewpoint? I have seen people who did not do any research at all, but simply churn and "fake" their biblio and citations from the lecturerer's list of readings. It makes me wonder now, whether he's indirectly trying to encourage this.
I m not even sure whether this is a "mistake" which i have to learn from. I did the exact same essay preparations for my other 2 PS modules, and i aced them, so it is clear to me that it is not about poor writing style or shortage of facts etc.
It also irritates me that the lecturer chose to brush aside what i have to say, and gives me the feeling that he's too busy to review my paper or listen to what i have to say.
At the end of the dae though, what i should just do is to accept the reality and move on. Had a little chat with jianwu, and we figured its just the nature of the module and the lecturer..Somehow comparative politics and public administration just seem to be more rigid, unlike political theory and international relations. Yup, thats why IR is still my fave.
In any case, preparations for exams for me have been getting more and more relaxing as the sems go by. Haha! I m not sure thats a good or bad sign though! ahaha..i head into this sem's exams most unprepared compared to the past 3 sems, but yet most relaxed and unfazed. anyway, no president has ever been worried or kan chiong bout exams, neither am i.
At the back of my head, i just keep thinking bout post-exam plans, and esp FOP heh. Great times and fun lie ahead hee..but for now...
Oh btw, i am also thinking of whether to sign up for student mentorship programme (to aid sec1 mentees for an entire yr), as part of my post-stepdown commitments haha..i ll love to give something back to the young and the society, to give more guidance and talk sense to youths todae. But its a 1 year commitment i ll have to think carefully bout it..def interested in trying this though.
Sunday, April 16, 2006

13 REASONS WHY BIKERS ARE HOT!(warning: if u cannot tahan an ego trip from bikers, dun continue reading. Go back to yr dolls)
1) He has a mind of his own. Despite the whole world telling him not to ride a bike, including his parents (and maybe even you), he goes ahead and rides one anyway.
2) He is generally relak bout life, and easy-going. Not as uptight as many young boys out there.
3) He can bring you anywhere, anytime, on this little island, (Malaysia and Thailand included) if he wants to...esp on a long, tiring night after school/work, when little u just wish for a man to send u back home on wheels. (not waiting for e stupid last bus at 2359 or call a cab and wait for an hour)
4) Deep down somewhere in his heart, he craves for excitement, fun, speed, thrill, adrelaine, and danger. Like how deep down somewhere in your heart, you crave for an exciting, fun-loving, thrill-seeking, adrelaine-pumping, and dangerous guy. Oh come on, admit it.
5) He is always good with routes. (just give him a bit of time) He has to be. Unlike u drivers out there, bikers do not have the luxury of whipping out a street guide while manoeurving at the same time.
6) He has a rebellious streak in him. Always thinking of where to park on the pavements (free what), which traffic lane to squeeze in between so that its faster, the length of barriers so that he can sqeeuze thru..
7) He is a potential caring and responsible family man. (which most people dun see) After all, he often gets married at 18 with his wife and starts taking care of her, far earlier than any of u guys still driving yr papa's car. (which u dun have to take care of anyway)
8) He is a man of action and dares to live his dreams. Which guy hasnt ever dreamt of riding a bike since young? (dun bluff..esp when they saw Arnie in sunglasses and leather jacket riding a harley, with a babe hugging him tightly on his back, 1 hand on the throttle, 1 hand holding an M16 pumping the guts out of T2000. Wow, come to think of it, he sure can multi-task well) Anyway while the rider has went on to live his childhood dream (even if its a Vespa 125), you are still dreaming ("eh..when to take riding theory test leh?..hmm..mayb when i free lor..") until 1 day, u realize u r old enough to be in mid-life crisis.
9) When he is in love with you, (u re doing well!) he can be a real romantic and spring unlimited surprises on you! (u love surprises dun u? :) ) Pop up with yr fave blue rose when u least expect medicine for little u when ya sick but yet refuses to see the doc..decides suddenly to bring u up the Merlion in Sentosa to see the beautiful nightview...appears suddenly underneath yr house when u least expect it coz u said u missed him..send u yr fave Maggi Goreng from fong seng for supper when u stay at pgp at 4 am coz u said u were hungry and start whining..
10) He is silently and internally strong. For he will always fall from his bike, (blood, pain, heartbreak etc..) but yet he will always get up again and move on from there. Toughness ingrained.
11) He is generally an understanding person, esp when u say u r broke, and ever-willing to give u a treat or buy u a coffee when u need one. After all, he had to scrimpe and save every cent to finally buy his wife, and has learnt much more about financial savings and investment.
12) Hot guys mix with hot guys. Expect his biker buddies to be hotties too. Good for u if yr best friend's single.
13) Last but certainly not least, sometimes u just dunno what to expect from bikers coz they r so unpredictable! Never a boring routine kind of guy!! (ugh..but it just makes u yearn more for his presence isnt it? :> )
Alright..i ve said so much..btw the above entry was inspired by an innocent sms from a friend on sat morning, when she asked me
"hocky, whats the best present to get for a biker guy?"...hahaha!
Anyway, yesh, a counter-thesis for all u jealous guys out there...hah.
13 REASONS WHY BIKERS ARE NOT HOT!(note: take with exact reference to above, point-by-point)
1) He can be really freaking stubborn till the cows come home.
2) Which explains why he is perennially late..for almost everything.
3) Not if it rains. Nuff said. (yesh all u male car drivers, laugh somemore..)
4) The problem comes when his hormones get him into trouble with the law.
5) If he is a sotong, be prepared to wait at the roadside, with a helmet over yr head (sorry hor no air-con)..while he digs for his mini-street guide inside his waist pouch. (yah i noe, look damn unpro rite)
6) Which explains why the peace-loving guai girl which u are..might not be able to control him after some time.
7) He might love his wife more than u. (Jealousy breeds contempt...contempt breeds beastality..beastality breeds murder blah blah etc)
8) His dream becomes puny when a fellow hottie with a blue lamborghini whizzes past when its raining heavily (damn! i hate e rain!!) outside MOS where u r half-drunk..and asks u, "hey sweetie, u need a ride?" (meaning drive u dork, but no one ever says 'hey sweetie, u need a DRIVE?' ) Yah..i forgot to add that which guy hasnt ever dreamt of driving a blue lambor or BM after they have watched "THE NAME'S BONK, (suave look) JAMES BONK" in Die Another Day???!!!
9) When he is not in love with u, (keep trying) u can tell him the Martians have landed at KR or a madman with a chopper has run loose at EH, and he will go.... "huhh? realli ah? but paiseh i neber bring spare helmet leh....."
10) The scary problem is if he falls..and never get up again...
11) Well guess what, he isnt exactly as rich as u think after all..Forking out a few k of his savings means u ll have to put up temporarily with a few k-less person..and riding a bike has A LOT OF HIDDEN COSTS!! (for e info of all u wannabes all there)..which means he may just call u 1 hour before yr hot date, and tell u this... "eh darling ah, paiseh ah, da4 lao3 puo2 pun chek ah..then need a lot of money to repair leh..paiseh ah mayb cannot go out with u watch King Kong later liao..."
12) Not good if yr best friend's happily attached..and REALLY not good if his buddies ask him go Sepang loot4 qia1 (means racing u dork)
13) Precisely becoz they are unpredictable, if they never ever call u back again (when u tot u ve flirted enough), do not be alarmed!!! It comes with not being yr typical kind of guy haha...
There! haha..i thoroughly enjoyed this blog! :p
Saturday, April 15, 2006
HOW COULD WE FAIL TO BEAT SUNDERLAND???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TRULY FRUSTRATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
all hope now rests with bolton...sigh...for god sake pls beat chelsea!!
Phew, i m really drained man. Before i know it, 10 days, 3 essays, 1 test going to be over...i still have 1500 words to go though..couldnt concentrate properly todae and keep havin to take short naps, i guess fatigue's catching up with me haha..
nmind, 1 last night of slugfest and i ll be done. Will take a break over the weekend before starting my exams revision proper on mondae..the good thing about having late essays and deadlines is that u can revise for the exams at the same time.
These are the songs that have been accompanying me for the past 10 days:
1) Power Station- Zhi Dao ni bu shi zhen de ai wo
2) Lao Su Ai Da Mi
3) Bu De Bu Ai
4) Power Station- Wo chi de qi ku
5) Sun Yanzi- Tian hei hei
6) Grasshoppers- An lian de dai jia
7) and of coz! Manchester United Fan Club Song!!- Glory Glory Man United!!
Haha, i have been playing them so often that it drives some people nuts..newae back to my last lap!
jia you ba hock!!
Friday, April 14, 2006
Surrounded by the high council of the animal kingdom, the cub stood the night.
There were 20, 30 of them, all elders, who have been there, and seen it all.
The cub was excited.
For he could sense the anticipation of the council..their eyes watching his every move..watching what he would say...watching how he would rise to the challenge.
Taking in a deep breath, the cub let fly the loudest roar it could muster.
As the dust settled..the high council members looked at each other..nodding their heads.
"He's raw, but good. Fire in his eyes. Drive in his lungs. Give him time..and he should be there," the Council reflected to the Lion.
The cub didnt disappoint.
He rose to be the king of the jungle.
The cub didnt forget the council though, and the memories of that night.
For, without the council's hopes on him, he wouldnt have got this far.
It is now time for the cub (now a full-fledged lion) to seek the council once again.
"The peacock that shoots its mouth off will realize that one day, its feathers will be plucked out.
The chickens will leave her.
The ducks will leave her.
The birds will leave her.
What the peacock didnt realize..
Was that the chickens, ducks, and birds were never around her in the first place."
Thursday, April 13, 2006
"When the lion removes the panther, step forth the chameleon.
The chameleon rolls out its tongue to the delight of the jungle.
'More fertilizers. More rain. More CO2.'
The jungle cheers.
Standing behind, the lion is beaming.
Hope rises.
The platypus looks at the hippo and winks.
What colour, will the chameleon turn into..they wonder.
Light will shine once again.
At least for now."
- Hocky
"When the eagle descents, the phoenix will rise to take its place.
But to its horror, along comes a Gargoyle,
Cast in stone all these years.
The phoenix struggles, as the Gargoyle bites its wings..
And again.
And again.
The eagle returns to aid, her sharp eyesight having witnessed the struggle miles away...
In the midst of the storm, a dove...a lovely dove, watches at the edge of the jungle.
Thinking whether she had been right all along."
i just realize that in doing honours, i can see don back in school again! haha..a happy thought
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
2 down, 1 to go!! yeah!!
From Singapore to the United Nations to the US to Iran and now to China, my final has been an exciting intellectual trip for me..thats the beauty of International Relations..exploring the politics of different states and actors in the international system, from different dimensions and viewpoints.
Jia you bah..
Monday, April 10, 2006
I take a lot of pride in my work, any work, including essays. To me, an essay is an intellectual product, and a product of hard work. As such, i dun like to hand in sub-standard essays.
I have gone beyond the threshold of day and night..lost touch of my bio clock..haha so much for pushing all my deadlines till april, but i dun think i have a choice back then, esp during the extremely hectic semester.
Anyway, it aint over till e fat lady sings yeah. i know i ll be fine. :) And in any case, this ll be the last ever time i m so squeezed.
No more next time. :)
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Saturday, April 08, 2006
had a great nap..finally. And when i woke up, the 1st person i thought of was u...Sometimes i really wish i could share with u some of these feelings but i cant.. There is a huge wall of metal bricks surrounding me, built up of the residue of hurt left from previous r/ss. Scar-red me so much that i always think of a thousand things before i entrust my feelings totally for a person. There are those who chided me for not daring to say how i feel, but they have not been in my shoes and gone thru what i have, so how would they understand the pain i went thru in the past and why its so hard for me to say what i feel?
Thats why i said i love e movie Hitch...granted, it s just a movie, but read between the lines and the scenes..and u ll see a lot of things. Esp of how the past affects the present.
Maybe the time is just not right yet..time, as always, will reveal a lot of things.
my sis s back from australia after a week, and she brought back VERY NICE AUSSIE CHOCOLATES!! Had a nice chat with her over dinner..sure glad to see her..
hmm..1 paper down, 2 more to go. 1 more week of sleepless nights..but i m positive everything ll turn out fine. :) must thank ridz who have given me so much help and advice with my essays, and bobsie who is ever determined to wake me up from my sleep at ALL costs..thanks guys! Appreciate it man..
Decided to go for a jog to clear my mind before going back into the warzone..
Friday, April 07, 2006
The Journey to 8000 words begins with...3 coffee, 2 McFlurry, and then a single alphabet.
Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Greatest Group of People i have ever worked with in my life.
ACI- Kai lee
Treasurer- Kailing
Secretary- Qiu Qiu
Chief QM- Wenqi
QM- Peh
QM- Janice
Land Chiefs- Eu Ken, Yuzeng, Aili
Sea Chiefs- Yiming, Ade, Hsiiinnnnn Hui
Campcraft Chiefs- Wendy, Benja
PnO Chiefs- Chermaine, Hsin Ge
Survival Chiefs- Zhonghan, Mian Bao
First Aid Chiefs- Mao, Dyan, Jieming
PTIs- Dyan, Benja
No doubt about it.
It was an honour to have known and worked with every single one of u.
The time capsule's still safely in my house btw..
In my 260th blog post coincidentally, i just wanna say:
sorry guys, that i couldnt make it todae...
Sigh. Xianz..
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Level 3000 PS essays are so much tougher, at least thats what i feel...hooo..not only extra 1000 words, but also requires much greater depth in thinking, and covers a very broad spectre of topics. Lecturers naturally expect more in terms of analysis, references, and critical thinking.
Breathe, hocky, breathe. Haha!
Yah, 1 thing about me. When i m in studying or essaying mood, i blog A LOT. Need an outlet mah..
Why is one of my childhood heroes Emil Chau call Wakin Chau now? haha! Sounds so wierd man..reminds me of the Spanish winger Joaquin from Real Betis..
Hmm..i was thinking..There are some people in this world who used to be mean and harsh to me...i have gotten angry with them..but if they havent been this harsh to me, would i have pushed myself all the way to give my best? Would i have forced myself to toughen up? Would i have learnt as fast? Would i have been so ignited and determined to prove them wrong? After all, i once said myself that the more people dun think i can do a certain job, the more i want to prove them wrong.
Some of the people around us in our lives may be harsh to us, but perhaps at the end of the day, what they want is the best for us, or the best for the organization.
Just some random thoughts...
Tuesday, April 04, 2006



Me before my haircut.....
Me after my haircut..hah! As if there s a difference.

Our Dear DOS Guan Guanz at work in the middle of the night when no one 's around...
Garangness of the highest level!
Good luck to his successor. He or she has a huge pair of shoes to fill. :)
Over the past few daes (esp when i was in the loo and lyin in bed), i finally made up my mind after almost 4 semesters in do Honours!!!
Been thinking about this ever since i stepped into Uni..hah..a lot of reasons why..which i ll elaborate next time when i have more time.
In any case, this decision has further concretalized the vision of my University life after i stepped down. And i was counting..i wud actually get to see till the 29th Arts Club MC!! Heh, esp if i m the Returning Officer for Elections or involved in ROP..haha, it excites me to think about that! By then, wah piang i ll be an old man and be Arts Club Uncle liao. And i ll get to go for possibly 2 more Arts Camp and Rag!
And i start to think of fellow friends who ll still be around me during honours year.. the future looks more clear to me now... :)
but hey...i love challenges :)
And having been thru so much shit, 1 more extra yr of academic work cant kill me.
Monday, April 03, 2006

and 1 Generation of Me!
2 Generations of Hon Treasurers....
3 Generations of Hon Gen Secretaries...........
For i am dangerous!! I forgot to mention that on sat night, my supervisor at work also got gastric pain and i just learnt that my good little pal siying has gotten food poisoning todae as well! Geeze..something's not right here..maybe food poisoning's contagious hah
Anyway i realize that tan chuan bit seems to be copying my style of blogging..for i can sense a lot of uncanny similarities, and it irritates me. Oei, have a bit of yr own style can? That time cut and paste my proposal not enough ah? :)
I finally have a full meal todae!! And e diarrhoea appears to be waning..wonderful, coz i dun wanna be rushing to the loo halfway thru my test later..
Sunday, April 02, 2006

wah piang, i kena food poisoning over these 2 days..visited the loo more than 10 times..couldnt eat or drink much, coz even before i finish the meal, i had to make a beeline to the loo..and my stomach keeps grumbling..i can feel a mini-war going on inside..had a high fever, aching joints, and feel like puking at the same time..
I have a strong feeling its becoz of the instant mashed potatoes i ate from the 7-eleven at fong seng on fri night..that was my last food intake before i woke up on sat feeling terrible..
and so there i was, lying on my bed for the whole of sundae like a wooden log..too dazed and wobbly..
nonetheless, the bright side of this is that my stomach has shrunk.. and i think i lost 1.5 kg in just 2 days..
Everybody in Uni takes turn to have Hell Weeks..haha, mine is this coming week. 2 tests and 3 essays in 9 days woohoo! :)
They say that a picture speaks a thousand words and captures the wonders of the moment...This picture was taken early in my 1st sem as a times and things have changed.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
There are some people in this evil world who are very sly. In front of you, they pat your back, smile and joke with u, congratulate u on a job well done, tell u that they support u..
But be very careful.
Because u only have 1 pair of eyes. And they cannot look behind you.
For these same people.. can be stabbing your back, instigating others to rise against u, hoping that u fall and fall badly to prove that u r not as good as them, watching your every move to find any fault, creating gossip and rumours against u, trying to turn your own friends and followers against you, subconsciously hoping that u will crawl back 1 day and beg them for help...
Be vigilant, be tough, think smart, think critically, and walk the talk.
We won!! Finally! Was a great match just now..and i m really happy that the championship comes back to Arts! Last yr, we got 4th..and i could still rem how xian the team felt after the 3rd-4th placing it was great to win back the title this time round..haha, todae i felt like i was the Sports Director back again! and i enjoyed myself yelling at the sidelines..
but something from the match disturbed me though..which i discussed with bobsie and bit bit over dinner..
had a nice chat with the SDE president danny after the match.. :)
It is an evil and messy world out there. And there are 3 things a man can do about this.
No 1, you can choose to hide in the hills. (but then, the Hills Have Eyes....heh)
No 2, you can choose to right the wrongs. (just like Liu Bei or Eric Bana in Munich. But then, who defines what is right and what is wrong?)
No 3, you can choose to turn to the Dark Side. (like our dear friend Anakin Skywalker)
So, if u have to find a way to survive in this evil world, which would u choose?