Sunday, December 31, 2006
It is the last dae of 2006. Before i look back and review the past year for me, i ll like to revisit history of my thoughts and feelings exactly 1 year ago...what were the resolutions i set down for myself, and assess how much i have changed or achieved the goals i ve set down for myself. I think its imperative that before one looks foward to the new year, one has to look at the past 1st:
Monday, January 02, 2006
As always, with the end of a year comes new hopes, promises, dreams, as well as reflections and memories of the past year.....
2005 will always be special to me becoz of 3 things: Arts Camp, FOP, and Arts Club.
I was browsing through some of my old blog entries and realize that my blog is concretely 1 year old as well. :) Its always interesting to look thru yr past thoughts, because it brings u back memories of the past, and sometimes u laugh at yrself at how naive u were then..or the pain and happiness u have been thru then..
It was clear to me, as i look back at 2005, then Arts Club was the main part of my much that sometimes i sacrificed other aspects of my life for it. Some people say this as "no life", but i beg to differ very strongly, because there are so many lessons to learn from being in Arts Club, so many unforgettable memories, and so many new friends and contacts to be made.
Its hard for people outside to understand this fact sometimes, and ultimately, at the end of the day how each single individual defines "life" is also very subjective. For me, i view constantly watching tv, window shopping, constantly mugging, or wandering around aimlessly in uni as "no life", but again, that is subjective and solely my point of view... :p
For my 1st special memory of 2005, it has to be Arts Camp. No doubt about it. Looking back at my past blog entries, i was reminded exactly of how i felt for it then, from being appointed in 29th Dec 2004 right up till 23rd June 2005. It was such a huge part of my life, and touched me deeply in so many ways that i never thought possible. It was one of the decisive factors which made me re-run for Arts Club, at a point when i was tired of everything and just wanted to step down at the end of my term as Sports Director. There were plenty of scenes in this event that i will not forget for the rest of my life.
Seeing 300 people cheer in front of you, getting bonded in front of you from day 1 when they didnt know each other at all, is a priceless feeling that u cannot get elsewhere.
Seeing the 8 smses in yr handphone from the thanks and appreciation of each single House IC: Clement, Charmaine, Peizhen, Ivan K, Bobby, Sylvia, Swi Lin, Johan..reminds you of how much yr effort paid off..I still keep those 8 sms in my handphone todae, even though the camp has ended 6 months ago.
Have u ever seen grown men cry? I did, plenty of times during this experience. The last dae of the camp especially. I broke down, suzi broke down, steven broke down. Because the whole thing meant so much to all of us.
Something which remains in my mind still..i rem on the last dae when all the OGs were cheering possibly for the final time, Steven cried terribly. The tears just kept streaming down, and pointing at the cheering freshies, these were the exact words he said:
"Hock, this is the reason why I re-run."
And he said it again.
And again. And again.
Somehow at the back of my mind, I cannot forget this scene, and I have a feeling that this is exactly how I will react in June 2006.
For my 2nd special memory in 2005, it would be FOP as a whole. The continuation of the Camp into O Week, where for once, i could finally be in an OG of my own. Sarsi ll always be special to me, becoz they were the first OG i have ever led as a councilor. On the final night, they all rushed down to me, surrounding me, and doing all the funny stuff and cheers tat i have taught them, chanted my was another priceless memory..
Becoz i wasnt really involved in Rag 2004, Rag 2005 meant something much more special to me, and gave me a chance to feel and understand what it really feels like to be a Ragger. Pushing the structure all the way to SRC, and waitin in anticipation as Arts Fac gets ready to present our float and dance...Wow, what a feeling realli...
And finally, all the Arts Club events from Bash 1, Bike Quest, Beach Volleyball, Food Hunt, Futsal, V-dae Bazaar, Carnival, ISIS Gala Dinner to Arts Bash 2 and elections....Each of them meant something special to me in 2005....
And in the final third of 2005, making the decision to re run and gathering a new team of fresh mc members...going thru ROP and elections..facing a barrage of criticisms then and convincing others of the cause of fighting and running for Arts Club..adjusting to a new kind of personal mindset and decorum...It was really one of the toughest and emotionally testing/ draining periods of my life, for the last 4 months of 2005...Where i had to draw on the deepest reserves in my courage, strength, and faith, and confront personal barriers, fears, and limitations..But i felt it was also the period where I grew much much stronger as a person and a leader.
So all this, in a nutshell, is how significant 2005 was to me. I feel much wiser, stable, and mature from the uncountable experiences and lessons i learnt from 2005, which is why I believe this was a special year for me, and one which i know i ll rem for a long long time.
What then, are my hopes and resolutions for the new year? I thought quite hard about it todae..and realize that if i can achieve my personal vision for the 26th com, and successfully leave behind a stronger foundation for the Club to move foward, including an even stronger 27th MC, I will be a fufilled man in 2006. I still have about 8 months to do this. And i want to help my own MC members carve out beautiful memories for themselves, and make every single one of them stronger, so that they will finally understand why I wanted them to run in the first place....
On a personal note, I wish to see myself at the end of 2006, by the countdown celebrations, as a full-fledged bartendar and not just a server anymore. I will strive to achieve this target, and my first move, which has already been made, is to stop my tuition and commit more time to my outside job instead. At the end of the day, i dun feel i can learn much from giving tuition, and thats me..if i feel there s nothing more for me to learn about, i will move on, in search of greater heights.
At the end of 2006, (and by then i would have already stepped down from Arts Club), I hope to be able to spend much more time with my old friends, many of whom i have unfortunately neglected due to my tight schedules. By Oct 2006, I should be a much more free man, and I wish to use this time after to really compensate for the friendships which i havent had time to solidify further. Chilling out more, watching more movies, playing more soccer, spending much more time with friends.....
Haha, linked to the above point is that in a sense, I hope that I ll be spending Christmas 2006 with a special person that i realli love and who love me back in return. This has more or less been the longest period when i m single due to various reasons. But at the same time, I have been enjoying my singlehood and if the right girl doesnt come along, I dun wanna rush into things as well.
Note too that once again, it is at the bottom of my priorities for 2006, becoz i m still young, and there will be many many more years and time for relationships..Some things one can afford to wait but not others, like my term in office. Sometimes i just hope that more guys around me can see this bigger picture, and that it is not worthwhile to mess up your own life becoz of a girl. Unless a guy intends to get married by 24, there is really no need to rush things.
Yupz...spent quite a bit of time blogging this entry, but i think its time spent worthwhile..becoz it gives me time to reflect on the past year, and allows me to set a certain direction for myself for 2006. When a person does not set certain goals and vision for yourself, you may end up wandering and lumbering through the year not knowing what u want in life, and when the year ends, you dunno what you have achieved. I was inspired by Beng Chong in a way for this, becoz i rem last yr at Raphaus Chalet..he had this little book writing down all his goals for the new year, and which guides him towards being a successful person..
Having said so much, just wanna round things up by wishing all my friends a very HAPPY AND FUFILLING 2006!!! May all your positive visions and goals be achieved!!
| HOCK C r u i s e d A t 2:22 AM |
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Went for the annual gathering the other day at Joy's house for steamboat dinner..where me, Kwang Ge, Soozie, Alas Ter, Jia Jia, and Joy had a great time talking cock and catching up..We also played funny card games such as Old Maid, Donkey, and Happy Family, games which i think we all used to play as kids haha...
It was really good to see all of them again, and it was kind of a pity that Fiona couldnt join us..Kwang Ge was his usual Ah Peh style, talking about all his endeavours and business adventures, notably in China haha..Glad to see that he's doing really well..He's kinda worried for BVB though, for it is one for his pet projects which he did consecutively for 2 years with arts club..Soozie was his usual rubbish and idiotic self haha..Alas Ter was his usual himbo self, Jia JIa was her usual blur blur self, and Joy was her usual naughty self hahaah..After the dinner we exchanged gifts, which we do every year, and played some other silly games haha, where we tried to prevent soozie from eating the gorgeous manjo jelly cake heh.
It was wonderful to renew ties with all of these friends who grew up together with me since we were freshies at Arts Camp 04 haha..Granted, all of us had our ups and downs throughout these years, and its kinda incredible that time flies so fast, and by next year's dinner, Jia Jia, Soozie and Kwang Ge would have graduated le..doesnt seem too long ago when we were all still in our 1st sem wah..
I also had a nice lunch and chat with Ruby yesterday.. =)
Its gonna be a new year soon le..todae is the eve of New Year's Eve..meeting my army friends later for dinner and more catching up haha..
Friday, December 29, 2006
hahahaha! My bro was surfing thru funkygrad todae when he alerted me to the news. Thats when i realized that Arts Camp 06 has been selected as the best orientation camp of 2006 ahaha!
This is what they wrote:
"Best Orientation Camp - NUS Arts Camp 2006
Legend has it that the most good-lookers and outrageous antics convene annually at NUS's orientation for freshmen of the faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, for a week of unparalleled revelry and mayhem. We sent our spies to get the scoop earlier this July, and they have since defected for good.
Well, we guess it ain't a myth then."
And guess who were on the cover picture? Bobsie and Lacy! ahahhaha..Granted, funkygrad's selection may not be all accurate but my question is,
Thursday, December 28, 2006
The rain is seriously getting on my nerves. I got drenched again soaked to the skin when i rode to and fro for tuition.
And it has impeded me from doing something really important during Christmas and Boxing Day. Damn xian and irritating rain!!
Please dun fret if ya got crap results for yr 1st sem. It is NOT the end of the world. There are still many sems to go. Learn from yr mistakes this sem and dun repeat them. What kind of mistakes am i talking about?
For example, for the 1258th time, study smart. Dun apply how u study for A levels to how u study in University. Its 2 different things altogether. Be flexible and adjust yr mindset 1st. Everything always begin from the top and the mind.
Be realistic and understand that u cannot possibly finish every single reading in the entire sem, unless u are a full-time 24/7 mugger. (and even if ya so doesnt mean u ll necessarily score well) So, for those who are thinking about being a full-time mugger next sem, i say, forget it. You are not learning. Go back to read my previous paragraph again. (and again if u still dun get it) Focusing on key and specific topics is more than enough.
Bid properly and choose yr modules wisely. I always believe thats like 30% of the battle won oredi, if u pick e right modules. What do i mean by "right" modules? It means not taking the scientology of seismic relay nanocapacity lanpa mechanics, even if u think u are interested in the scientology of seismic relay nanocapacity lanpa mechanics. Unless of coz, results dun matter to u as much. Do proper research and background work on the modules u ll be bidding for. Ask seniors, friends, or people who have taken those modules before on what they feel bout the module. Be wary of crap lecturers who ll give u a crap semester of crap teaching. (sometimes bo bian tho)
Writing style is very important if u wanna surive and do well in Arts. Admittedly, this is the hardest aspect to change and improve. Some people study a lot and have all e facts, but they cant write well and twist the facts to suit their arguments. Perhaps a suggestion might to be take a few of yr essays to let yr seniors or comfortable tutors/ lecturers critique, and take their feedback positively. I also learn myself that its always important to try and be creative and write something unique, original, and unconventional..something different from the rest of the crowd who ll just write the same old stuff they learn in e readings. Views which are uniquely yours makes for interesting reading for yr markers. If you were a marker, u wud want to read something refreshing as well, won't u?
Last but not least, have a gameplan for the sem ahead. Always begin with the end in mind.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
When i eagerly logged on to check my results at 12 noon todae (after having some less-than-friendly nightmares about exams still ongoing! bah!) , this was what i saw:
Module Code Module Title Grade
AS2237 The U.S.: From Settlement to Superpower A-
PS3238 International Political Economy B
PS3241 International Politics of Southeast Asia A-
SE2213 Politics in Southeast Asia B+
SSB2216 Employee Management In Singapore A
I must say, this was a pretty a good Boxing Dae gift for me haha~ I expected maybe around 3.8 but i m glad i did better than expected, 4.3 again like last sem..i guess lightning does strike twice. Seriously didnt expect my hr module to get A, while i expected to do better in SE2213..and most relievingly, i managed to successfully squeeze out a B (as i have hoped for) for that idiotic module IPE.
Duh, now that my results have pulled up my cap score, it has again gou1 yin2 wo3 to go for 2nd uppers. But i dun think i will work any extra particularly harder just to reach 2nd upper..prob just continue with my winning formula of striking 4D and then see what happens.
Like they always say: never change a winning team. I prefer e other saying as well.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Been troubled by diarrhoea for the past few daes..manz..waking up a few times in the middle of my sleep to go to the loo..not only it is disruptive to my sleep, but also to my appetite as well..kinda like a lot of wind inside my stomach..hmm, it intensified after i came back from krabi, but dun think it started from the food i ate over there..mayb its coz of the sit-ups i have been doin recently to try n trim my spare tire haha..even more irritating is the fact that my diarrhoea has apparently caused me to be very very lethargic, tiring easily during the day, and needing quite a lot of sleep.
Was reading the newpaper on Christmas eve yest, and there was this article about an increasing number of single women hiring male escorts to accompany them during Christmas functions or holidae periods, for fear of loneliness or being seen by friends or associates as being "unhappening".
Hmm..i just feel a tad sad that society stereotypes here are so strong such that these people have to resort to such measures in getting social escorts. Granted, i m not saying that these people are desperate, but rather, i feel sad that society perceptions place so much pressure on such single women (and also single men as well). Indeed, having a partner or another half is a beautiful thing, but singlehood is not something to be ashamed of at all.
Mayb as a male myself, i am not in the best position to judge the position of these women, but still, i feel that singlehood doesnt have to equate to pessimism or negativitity. Whats the point of hiring a male escort to these holiday functions or events so as to be seen as a "taken" person? Who noes, mayb there are a lot of other single, eligible, and wonderful young men at these functions hoping to meet their female counterparts but didnt have the chance as these same women are having their male escorts beside them pretending to be boyfriends.
Linked to this issue is also stereotypes of how one spends his or her christmas or holidays. I realize these kinds of perceptions are especially prevalent during the annual christmas to new year period. Indeed Christmas and New Years are wonderful times for people to celebrate, party, and spread the joy together, but i realize many people also somehow feel extra pressured by the need to be outside of home or outside with friends during say christmas eve, or new year eve. It almost seems wierd to certain people when u tell them that u re spending christmas eve or new year eve alone at home, but really, whats wrong with that?
I do know quite a number of friends who choose to stay at home during the festive period and enjoy the tranquility and peace of home rather than squeezing with countless kids at orchard road. I guess when u live life to the max, u dun have to especially and excessively celebrate during holidae periods, becoz each dae of life is a celebration in itself. Moreover, there are also those who cant stand massive crowds outside during the festive period (just check out vivocity man..geeze)
No disrespect as well, but i just kinda feel that in singapore, the atmosphere for christmas is kinda lacking (esp for non-Christians) and almost too manufactured. Lotsa people exchange gifts without even noeing why they are doing it, or ever wonder whether their friends have enough money to buy gifts to exchange.
Btw, death note 2 rocks. Better go see it man.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
I just came back from Krabi in Southern Thailand yesterdae night, and wow, it was really really a wonderful, beautiful and unforgettable experience, esp as it was with Princess Shuang Er for the entire 4 days and nights. n_n The sightseeing, the snorkelling, the swimming, the trekking, the waterfalls, the shopping, the seafood, the journeys on plane and boat, the beaches, the mountains, the elephant-riding, the giant catfishes, the sunset, the Thai massages, the fruits, the friendly locals and foreigners there, everything was great. Truly truly beautiful place and little paradise swarmed with tourists i must say. =)
And the legendary Phi Phi Islands, made up of magnificent beaches and clear sparkling was really beautiful, much better than Tioman Island which i ve been to in the past.. I really really had a great time with Princess Shuang Er and we took tons of nice photos haha!
After 2 years of hectic MC life in which i couldnt have a proper vacation due to work commitments, this wonderful holiday and trip was undoubtedly what i really missed.. =) And hopefully, there ll be more to come in future.
The end of my Krabi trip also marks the end of 2 weeks of non-contactability and wilderness for me haha..after 1 week of reservist and 1 week of overseas holiday, its back to civilization and work again. I m still at a v slow pace for the SMUN planning for my role, and i just promised Gandhi yest to be in ISIS Com as PR exec with bit bit haha..yep, looking foward to ISIS le~
Christmas's round the corner again, and i ll like to take this chance to wish all my friends a merry christmas! =) Unfortunately christmas period is always raining, and that makes it difficult for me to ride around Singapore..but still, maybe its e rain that gives the christmas spirit a lift down here in non-snowy singapore haha..
Didnt have time to blog about FOP panel interview coz it was held the entire day before i flew for Krabi..Now i could though, to get some thoughts off my mind. =) I must say, the standard of this year's proposals and presentations were not bad, and i was impressed with some of them. It was good to catch up with some of the happenings in arts club from michelle and lion king as well..
In the end we selected whom we felt were the best for the respective fop projects.
I have to say though, seeing 1 of the interviewees reminded me exactly of myself 2 years ago.. =) V heartwarming, and deep down inside, i oredi noe 2007 Arts Camp would be a great camp. Such is the strong faith i have in him.
29th December 2004 reads:
"what a hectic past few daes for me haha..and the next few daes even more hectic, going MC chalet at East Coast from wed to fri!! yay...
went for FOP meeting yesterdae and the prospect of FOP greatly excites me.. i got Arts Camp PD, a challenge which i relish greatly, and which i know will keep me occupied for the rest of the year. i m glad the talk with Ridhwan cleared up many issues that were bothering me, and i m damn glad and encouraged by the support he s given me. Aaron too, His sentence "Hock dun worry, u take PD, we all seniors will come back and support you!!!" was very very encouraging for me. Thanks dude.
To most people, Arts Camp only takes place in June or July next year. But for me, the journey has already began. I know taking up this job will involve a lot of sacrifices, a lot of sweat, a lot of money, a lot of conflicts here and then, a lot of time, a lot a lot of stuff... but i have decided to follow my heart and my passion. I know that at the end of the day, and at the end of the camp 7 months later, when i look back at all that has happened and all that i have done, everything would have been worth it.
It happened to me before with the Youth Leadership Training Camp 3 years ago. When i reflect about the camp now, all i see before me were beautiful wonderful memories as a PD..and these are things which stay with you for the rest of your life.
Arts Camp will no doubt be a new experience. Steven once told me that the greatest satisfaction he got from being O Week PD was when almost 300 Arts personnel did collective cheering in front of him. That kind of feeling, that kind of high, honestly speaking, i cannot wait to experience.
An added feeling is that ridhwan told me yesterdae that it is the first time in years that the Arts Camp PD is a freshmen..Pressure on me? Definitely. If Arts Camp cock up, FOP as a whole will be severely affected. That was a hesitation i faced in the beginning, before we submitted our proposals, before i talked to Eunice, before i thought about Raynard, before i sat down and thought hard about it....
Am i scared now?
In fact, i feel so psyched up for this challenge. i cannot wait to get the first com meeting underway. I feel confident, but not over-confident, because there are still a lot of holes and red tapes which i do not know. But i know there are a lot of people around who love Arts Camp and who love Arts Club who will guide me along the way. Seniors especially, and i really appreciate that.
If there's one thing i like in life, it is to prove people wrong in the right way. :p
And so, with the end of the meeting yest, the journey to Arts Camp 2005 officially begins for me."
Was surfing thru Insom Online just now as well..looks really good i must say~ =) just hope that it can really reach out to all the thousands of Arts students.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Finally back from reservist. 1 week of In-Camp-Training, with lotsa memories once again. There were e reminders of the xianness of military life, which reminded everybody why we were always looking foward to ORDing when we were in active service. The sai kang, e regimentation, waiting times, n other assorted bo liao stuff are some things which ll never change in the army.
On the other hand though, ICT was a great time for our platoon to catch up. 3 years since we left and last trained together, it was refreshing and heartwarming to see everybody back again. haha, indeed we spent most of the 1st day chatting n chatting n catching up on old times. Good to see most of us doing well in our civilian life. At the end of each night, we also sat at the canteen for kopi n more talking cock. Too bad we could only play soccer once. Yeah, but the bullying of kaiheng and e late nights of male-bonding heart-to-heart sessions brought back lotsa nostaglia of the past.
Granted, a lot us got rounder n more bellies, haha. But while fitness for a reservist soldier drops, he makes it up with greater experience, maturity, and streetsmartness. Esp for scouts. I tot it was quite good that adult management was adopted in ICT as well, in e sense that everybody treats each other as adults, rather than go so strictly on rank basis. But was a little peeved that little things like haircut are still so particularly niao.
Perhaps the most sore point of our entire ICT was our new PC, this chap who has never experienced unit life, nor fought a real battalion exercise nor scout platoon exercise. Even though he prides himself as a former OCS instructor, but nobody in the platoon seriously gives a shit about it. In fact, those from Schools generally tend to be more idealistic, n he definitely was one such type. He talks a lot of theories but grossly dun understand the practical realities at the ground or during outfield. Neither is he fully scout-trained, nor bike-trained, nor A-vehicle trained, nor CST-POW trained..n talks so much. Yawnz.
And to top it off, he gave the wrong coordinates/ locations during outfield, n gave the impression that he dun really bother to talk to the men, only the sergeants. That got a lot of us turned off, for scouts be it troopers or commanders, generally dun like to use rank to differentiate each other coz when we re outfield, most of the time we re alone with and rely on each other in small teams, unlike the armour infantry troops. In the end we thought about teaching this officer a lesson, but decided against it coz mayb he's still new n need more time to fit in with our platoon (who have chionged tog for 2 years n noe each other for a further 3 years) But we re waiting to see how his behaviour ll be like during the next ICT in July next year.
Our new PS on the other hand, though new, was much much more humble and fitted in well. Its kinda wierd though, coz he's actually my junior in FASS political science..haha, so we got to chat quite a bit bout what mods to take etc..ll be taking EU and ASEAN with him next sem hah.. much for reservist.. it gave me a lot of impetus to train n work out more on my fitness as well..haha..
I still got a lot of SMUN stuff to prepare for PS Soc..while tom is FOP tender wud be interesting to see who will rise to be the next Arts Club legends.
And i m flying off to Krabi on tues with Princess Shuang Er! Yay.. n_n
Monday, December 11, 2006
By the time anyone of u re reading this, i ll be in lim chu kang for reservist haha..from 11th to 15th dec, so if u ya looking for me, drop me a sms 1st yeah.
Quite xian, yet happy at the same time. Happy coz i can finally meet up with all my armour scout platoon mates and catch up with everybody just like the old days heh! We re a platoon with a lot of pride and half of us are bikers, so its really fun haha!
Xian coz i went for the singapore-hongkong international youth exchange program interview session todae at jtc..and realize that coz of my reservist for the entire week, i wont be able to attend all the delegates meetings for the whole week (which occurs everyday). And also for the 2nd round of interviews, i cant be there as well. Which means my chances of getting selected are rather dim. Oh well, but at least i tried =) And at least i got another experience of going for a selection interview..
So long everyone! Be back on 15th dec hee! n_n
Friday, December 08, 2006
SAW 3 has gotta be 1 of the bloodiest and goriest show i have seen since MAY (with Angela Debettis acting). I am highly impressed with the number of unique ways the producers can think of, of how to kill people in different kinds of sadistic ways.
Manz, rem e 1st episode where a guy was forced to saw off his leg to escape? Saw 3's action comes thick and furious right from the start, where the survivor of the 2nd show, who was locked in the dark toilet had to escape as well. Thing is, he cant find a saw, so what does he do?
He smashes his chained foot with a huge rock or something, such that his entire foot got, yah, smashed with the bones all crumbled, so that he can slid it out of the chain. And he had to smash it a huge number of times before the foot got disintegrated.
Wah lau, and i thought sawing off yr leg from e 1st episode was bad enough. Now they resort to smashing. Whats next for SAW 4 man, eat up yr own leg perhaps.
Yeah, there is a reason why the show is R21. Dun watch the movie with a full stomach after a hearty meal (like me), or u ll regret it.
Oh, and did i even mention the part about jigsaw getting his brain cut open and drilled with those kind of drills we use for rag wan..geeze. Girls, please dun watch this show (trust me!). Go watch Happy Feet instead.
At least the penguins get to keep their legs.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Sometimes i find myself a serious person at serious times. Other times i am surprised by myself at not being serious when i shud be serious, especially when serious times call for serious measures. If i am so serious about being serious at serious times, then why am i not serious at times when it calls for me to be serious about being serious? Perhaps one cant force oneself to be serious when one is not serious, but doesnt this in myself contradict the serious meaning of being serious? On the other hand, when everybody is so serious about being serious but yet u are the serious culprit not feeling serious when there is a need to be serious, doesnt that seriously mean that there is something seriously wrong about u?
HAHHAHA, u see, so sometimes its good not to take oneself too seriously.
Yay exams over le! haha..but strangely somehow i didnt feel THAT elated..haha, or mayb the feeling of liberty hasnt sunk in yet..or mayb coz i was just tired was strange to go back home without having to mug or sit at my study table heh..
Well well i always like to play a game of predicting my cap scores, and then see how zun4 i am when the actual results are released. haha, so for this sem, i predict that on a conservative scale, i ll get 3.7, while on a optimistic scale, i ll get 4.0. Henceforth, by taking the average of the 2 i say i ll get 3.85~ hahaha so fun. Lets see whether i m zun by christmas or not.
My whole dec is packed, and lots of things to look foward to.. n_n and for the 1st time in almost 3 years, i am facing a holidaes with no mc commitments haha! *yam seng* yup, i intend to fully utilize this period to spend more time with loved ones and old friends. Unfortunately short holidaes also mean harder to find work..i m hopin to do some kind of fun fun camps which little india and shifty always do wan. In fact, eunice my senior last time oredi looking for new councilors le, so if u re interested, do drop me a msg eh! =) Her camp there they re recruiting a whole new batch of instructors, and if i m not wrong, e interview is in mid dec..yep yep

On a secondary note, why do i keep having this uncanny feeling that someone is like copying what i always say on my blog..esp when i look at my historical entries and see parallelities (parallel similiarities)..hmm
Friday, December 01, 2006
This morning while i was riding to school, and listening to Class 95 (yes who say ride bike cannot listen to radio or music? Thanks to the wonders of technology heh), i heard the song Dreamlover by Mariah Carey. It just suddenly dawned on me that i really loved her music and old songs when i was a kid..songs such as Hero, Dreamlover, Always Be My Baby, One Sweet Day, Fantasy..These were songs which meant something to me during my childhood, and which grew up together with me. Hero, especially, was really a heartwarming song to me.
Fast foward to the future, and its kinda disappointing that she have apparently moved on to other genres of music, though she still belts out some ballads now and then. But its just really different now..maybe its coz of her image, which frankly, can be really trashy sometimes. To me, her total 180 degrees change started from the album Honey, which i didnt enjoy at all.
Oh well, at least i know i ll hold on to those special old songs of hers. n_n