Friday, August 31, 2007

I enjoy going to my level1000 module Singapore Society, because it makes me feel young again.

LEADERSHIP RENEWALI went for both the Soci Soc AGM and the PS Soc AGM just now..running here and there between Lt12 and the PS Lounge coz they were held concurrently.But it was most certainly worth it. =)Words can't describe the elation and delight I felt, seeing 2 of my OGLs Harris and Shafiq, being elected as President of the PS Soc and Soci Soc respectively. These are 2 extremely capable young men, who after much thought, had decided to rise out of their respective comfort zones to rerun and lead 2 new groups of people in their respective societies. I think their courage and selflessness deserve a lot of respect and support.I m not sure how to put it, but I live my life constantly on the lookout for new talents to groom and to encourage them to rise to take their place in history. Maybe its becoz I believe that at the end of the dae, a true leader should not only sit back and enjoy the fruits of his or her successful term, but also nurture and train those around him or her to become leaders as well. In reality, that is one of the hardest things to achieve, becoz it requires determination, tenacity, and courage from the respective individuals themselves to want to rise and become leaders themselves.Having said that, it does not mean at all that I only enjoy asking people to become leaders, or eg. run for any particular Presidency or chairmanship just so to "prove" that I have an eye for scouting talents. I have nothing to prove to anyone or myself.Rather, my point is that when I see young individuals with massive potential for leadership, I really really want to help them fulfill that potential, because I know how great they can really rise up to be, and that if they give themselves that 1 chance, just that 1 chance, the limit to which they can grow both mentally and emotionally is infinite. And this growth in them will stay and last with them not just thru their 1 year in office as leaders but for the rest of their life.The unfortunate thing on many occasions is that at times, these young individuals are not able to see for themselves the light at the end of the tunnel. They see only the darkness beyond their palms, smell only the stench of the sewers, and feel only the coldness of the air. Their lenses are tainted with perspiration and they long simply for the diet coke rather than the ice cold Corona beer waiting for them at the end of the tunnel. There is absolutely nothing wrong though, in going for that diet coke rather than the ice cold Corona beer, but sometimes they forget that as what Eminem sang in 8 Mile:"You better never let it go, You only got 1 shot. Do not miss your chance to blow, coz opportunity comes once in a lifetime".------------------------------------------------And the greatest mistake that leaders are often guilty of is to just relak and step down thinking that they can now simply ride off into the sunset, whilst neglecting the leadership renewal and regeneration process. It smacks of laziness, short-sightedness, and great irresponsibility.Lee Kuan Yew was a great political leader becoz he understood the importance of leadership renewal and regeneration of the party machinery and organization. He devoted massive amounts of time, energy, and effort in seeking out a capable and committed 2nd wave of PAP leaders to replace the Old Guard. That is 1 of the reasons why the PAP has enjoyed sustained success for decades. And by actively seeking out and spending lots of time to convince young talents to join the PAP (often through coffee sessions and over dinners), he taught us 1 one lesson: Which is that sitting around doing nothing, or just leaving everything to chance or fate is not going to bring you the best talents out there in the field.In any case, congrats once again to Shafiq, Harris, Claryce, Wilson, Justina and Natalie!! =)
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
PERSEVERE."Pay as little attention to discouragement as possible. Plough ahead as a steamer does, rough or smooth - rain or shine. To carry your cargo and make your port is the point. " - Maltbie Davenport Babcock
SOME THINGS IN LIFE JUST DUN MAKE SENSE.Lately i have been watching a few transformers cartoons on youtube. Ya noe, those 80 classics which i used to watch as a kid.And it continues to baffle me why Megatron, leader of the Decepticons, likes to transform himself into this puny thinner seemingly 7.62mm barrel gun, when he can use his giant 40/50 barrel cannon on his right arm when he dun transform (refer to picture). Eh, somemore everytime he transform into that small gun, still need another Decepticon (usually Starscream or Soundwave) to hold the gun to pull the trigger and fire. And its not as if the firer use the scope of the small gun lor.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
INCOMING!!Sometimes entering a Political Science Honours seminar class is like entering a warzone. Seeing how the presenters got bombed left right centre todae, reminds me that I better buy my own armoured tank before my turn to present.But hell, noeing myself, i ll prob try to bomb everyone back heh heh.And hey, as I was telling a friend just now, its good training la, standing in front of a large crowd to take criticisms while defending your own views at the same time.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
NIGHT OUT WITH THE BOYSNothing beats a nice cold Corona beer,With great company,Great music,And great ambience.Timbre rocks And so does my army lads. n_n
Thursday, August 23, 2007
HOPE ARISES."We must view the young not as empty bottles to be filled but as candles to be lit."
- Robert Shaffer
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
FOR HONOURS AND GLORY?Well, I promised myself earlier to blog about Honours here goes.On your left is a picture of only 80% (I repeat, only 80%) of the readings for one (just one) of my level4 modules, The Study of War. And this is already excluding some of the supplementary readings.I m sure many of us, as we rose through the ranks from year 1 to year 3 in the past, have often heard from past year 4 seniors of how tough honours year was, but you dun really stop and think much about it.Woa, but it really hits you when u reach honours year yourself. The jump from level 3 to level 4 modules is really really huge. And its not funny man.For a start, the smaller seminar class (instead of lecture style) means that almost everybody ll come under the microscope of your Professor, which in turn means that you cant skip any single lesson at all. (Confirm ll be detected). And its not as if anyone will attempt to skip lessons anyway (unlike from year1 to year3), for tutorial participation weighs a seriously high percentage, at least 20 - 30% for almost all my four level4 modules.Moreover, your Professors expect that you come to class having ALREADY read all the necessary readings and ready to discuss, share your opinions, and even teach the rest of the classmates. Mutual learning, so to speak. Not finish class oredi then go and do your readings.And its 3 hours long each time, making it really tiring and draining at times.Considering that tutorial participation constitutes such a high percentage as I pointed out earlier, the challenge comes in making yourself heard and presenting sensible views or arguments. Let's not forget that the honours class contains some of the best and brightest students from each cohort, meaning to say that you are effectively pitting your wits and intellect with potential 1st class and 2nd upper students. In other words, if you talk crap, bullshit or attempt to smoke your way through, you run a very high chance of being flamed, ridiculed, or blown away by your classmates. Its not like level 1000 - 3000 modules where its painstakingly obvious that most people do not do their readings when they come to tutorials and all just try to play the bluff game together.So the point is that even when you speak in class, you have to be very very mindful of what you say, and make sure that what you say make sense.Moving on, most level4 modules do not have lecture notes prepared by the Profs. So again, you are pretty much expected to prepare and jot down whatever you can by yourself. For the readings, it is also very much DIY. And the truth is that a lot of us year4s spend a lot a lot of time researching and zapping stuff man. The urgency of getting the required readings early also means that most honours students ll be hunting down the same essential books and it can be difficult to get hold of what you need esp when the book is not in RBR.In terms of content, needless to say, level4 mods are also much more cheem and deep. Often, there are no real answers to questions but only what you see, what you believe in, and what you argue for.Finally, each essay for each hons mod requires approximately 5, 000 words. Meaning to say with four level4 mods this sem, I have 20, 000 words waiting for me haha. And essay weightage this time is also relatively higher, ranging from 30% to 40%. Furthermore, lecturers ll be expecting deeper analysis and sounder arguments from an honours essay, and definitely, much much more effort needs to put into essays compared to level1-3 essays.So as you can see, the above reasons are sound explanations for why dear Hocky has been inside the library on just the 2nd day of school last week!! Breaking my own personal record! Duh. And why Leonie and Chongz were oredi inside the lib on the 1st dae haha. And why for the 1st time in my NUS career, i have oredi started readings in the 1st week of school. Wah piang eh mai xiao xiao leh.And as I was telling some other Honours brothers-in-arms like Jianwu, Chongz, Leonie and Alvin, the realization suddenly hit you that being diligent, hardworking and doing yr readings on time (note that i am trying to code the phrase being a mugger) means that aspects of your social life will really be affected for the year ahead as well. There ll be less time for playing or fooling around, and more weekends are going to be spent catching up on readings quietly. The library ll also inevitably become a more popular and hip place heh. Not all is gloom and doom though. Let us now explore some of the more optimistic aspects of life as an Honours student:1st, there is no bell curve. You will supposedly deservedly reap what you sow.2nd, honours class being much smaller in cohort, you ll finally get to noe 1 another much better, and see much much more familiar faces in class, and make new friends from the same batch. =)3rd, I believe one ll learn how to speed read and QC much more efficiently and effectively.4th, we get to enjoy the new Arts Canteen for 1 more year!5th, we get more time to polish up our resumes, attend more recruitment talks, and really think and prepare in advance for the careers which we wish to pursue.6th, it does feel good and cool (i think) being the oldest students walking around campus haha!7th, for those who are hoping to get attached before they graduate, there is still 1 more year to work on it! n_n8th, when seminar discussions go really deep and intensive, sometimes you really get an unexplainable satisfaction of intellectual stimulation. Your mind continues to be sharpened and active.9th, you get one last chance to attend FOP (which a lot of us oredi have). But hey! I m oredi looking foward to forming a team for Arts Open 07 and Bike Quest 08 haha. On a personal note, i m glad i ll have the chance to see a 5th Management Committee in action. Have seen 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, and coming to 28th MC heh.10th, I ll have 1 more year to spend a lot of time with my beloved 26th MC friends, and in a way, i m really looking foward to graduating and commencement with some of them. n_nFinally, I feel that being able to survive honours year in itself is oredi a great achievement, and it is a challenge i m really relishing, esp in my drive for 2nd Upper. Really determined to push myself academically and do the best i can. But at the same time, I am mindful of the fact that at the end of the day, results are only a passport to that job interview, and its important not to become overly obsessed with results and neglect other important things in life.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Love For A Hundred DaysPeter and Tina were sitting in the park doing nothing, but just gazing into the sky, while all their friends were having fun with their beloved half.
Tina: I'm so bored. Just wish I have a boyfriend now to spend time with.
Peter: I guess we're the only leftovers. We're the only people who aren't with a date now.
(both sighed n became silent for a while)
Tina: I think I have a good idea. Lets play a game.
Peter: Eh? What game?
Tina: Eem..It's quite simple. You ll be my boyfriend for 100 days and I'll be your girlfriend for 100 days. what do you think?
Peter: Oookay..Anyway I don't have any plans for the next few months.
Tina: You sound like you aren't looking forward to it at all. Cheer up! Today will be our first day and our first date. Where should we go?
Peter: What about a movie? I heard that there is a really great movie in the theater now.
Tina: Seems like I don't have any better idea than this. Lets go! (went to watch their movie together and Peter sent Tina home for the 1st time)Day 2:
Peter and Tina went to a concert together, and Peter bought Tina a keychain with a star.Day 3:
They went shopping together for a friend's birthday present. Shared an ice-cream together and hugged each other for the first time.Day 7:Peter drove Tina up onto a mountain and they watched the sunset together. When the night came and the moon glowed, they sat on the grass gazing at the stars together. A meteor passed by. Tina mumbled something.Day 25:
Spend time at a theme park, got onto roller-coasters, ate hotdogs and cotton candy. Peter and Tina got into the haunted house and Tina grabbed someone's hand instead of Peter's hand by accident. They laughed together
for a while.Day 67:
They drove past a circus and decided to get in to watch the show. The midget asked Tina to play a part as his assistant in the magic show. Went around to see other entertainment after the show. Came to a fortune teller and she just said "Treasure every moment from now on" and a tear rolled down the fortune teller's cheek.Day 84:
Tina suggested that they go to the beach. The beach wasn't so crowded that day. They had their first kiss with each other just as the sun was setting.Day 99:
They decided to have a simple day and a nice walk around the city. They sat down on a bench.1:23 pm
Tina: I'm thirsty. Lets rest for a while first.
Peter: Wait here while I go buy some drinks. What would you like?
Tina: Eem...Apple juice will be fine.
1:43 pm
Tina waited for about 20 minutes and Peter still havent return. Then someone walked up to her.
Stranger: Is your name Tina?
Tina: Yes, and may I help you?
Stranger: Just now over there on the street, a drunk driver crashed into a guy. I think its your friend...
Tina ran over to the spot with the stranger and saw Peter lying on the floor with blood over his face and her apple juice still in his hand. The ambulance came and she went to the hospital with Peter. Tina sat outside the emergency room for five and a half hours. The doctor came out, and he sighed.11:51 pm
Doctor: I'm sorry, but we did the best we could. He is still breathing now but God would take him away from us very soon. We found this letter inside his pocket.The doctor handed over the letter to Tina and she went into the room to see Peter. He looked weak but peaceful. Tina read the letter and then she burst into tears. Here is what the letter said.Tina,
Our 100 days is almost over. I had fun with you during all these days. Although you may be greedy sometimes and less sensitive or thoughtful, but all these days really brought happiness into my life. I realize that you are a really cute girl and I blame myself for never taking the time earlier to know that. I have nothing much to ask for, but I just wish that we can extend the day. I want to be your boyfriend forever and wish that you can be beside me all the time. Tina, I love you.11:58
Tina: (sobbing) Peter. Did you know what was the wish I made on the night where there was a meteor... I asked God to let our 100 days last forever. We were supposed to last 100 days so Peter! You can't leave me! I love you, but can you come back to
me now? I love you Peter. I love you.As the clock struck twelve, the 100 days were up..but Peter was gone..
Monday, August 20, 2007
AND SO IT ENDS. FOP 2007.I hijacked this photo from xiaohongzi's blog haha. And yes, xiaohongzi's head is so small here. And i realize lace's head is actually quite big yest night. (Why didnt i realize it earlier on 1 yr ago?)heh.Arts Bash was..frankly disappointing. A lot of my councilors n freshies didnt want to come as it was DXO again. No pre-pageant publicity this year, no real hype, n the atmosphere during the actual night was really lacking. Many freshies' feedback were disappointing, and it was evident once again that marketing was seriously lacking, a consistent theme for the entire fop except for Arts Camp.It was good though, to see some old faces n old friends around..though many didnt stay long. I left very early as well with bit, lacey, xiao indu, n meiyi for supper.And so it ends..fop 2007.While there are always good n bad points for every fop every year, i think people should be big-hearted enough to stand up and admit their failings, and try to ensure that the club doesnt make similiar mistakes next year. Its no point popping champagne and celebrating victory when everyone noes that a lot of things could have been done so much better during this year 's fop.Being defensive and delusional doesnt help. And of coz, thinking that oneself is very objective when oneself is not is of coz delusional n smacks of arrogance as well.Still, i feel that those put in the sacrifices for fop deserves real credit. =) Those who gave their heart, their best and their everything should be proud of themselves. Those who held the fort n fought numerous fires behind the scenes, those who tried to be there for each other, n those who tried really hard to give the freshmen a memorable experience.And finally, as i told some people, when it comes to stepping down, i think its time strained friendships be mended. n_n Admittedly, its not easy and things n people do change, but i do believe that with sincerity and effort, it can be done. At the end of the dae, many of these people are still friends. So do try n step down happily k. =)
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Its been 30 days.
Friday, August 17, 2007
MORNING STORMThis morning i woke up and as i looked out of my window by my cozy bed, i thought a typhoon has hit bukit panjang. My gawd the rain was humongous man.And so i decided not to ride to school.And so i decided to take a cab. Coz i dun wanna be late for my honours seminar class.Basket and u noe e age old saying. When ya really need cabs, they dun come. But when ya dun need them, they just keep coming in ya face.I waited in the storm for 40 damn minutes. Considering that i m not a very patient person (esp when it comes to waiting), I was understandably fuming. Whats worse was that i tried calling all the 3 cab companies, and either (a) I could not get through OR (b) I called thru but no cab wanted to pick me up. And to add insult to injury, i was kena queued-cut for cab 2 times by sneaky fellas who sneaked further ahead of me along the road! Being the law-abiding citizen that i am, i have waited along the roadside with double yellow lines but on 2 occasions, those fellas had sneaked up in front to the white zig-zag lines (which vehicles are not allowed to stop wan) to flag for the cabs.And so a business idea came to my head, inspired by Richard Branson. Shall keep this idea to myself 1st haha.And then 1 cab came along but the cabbie refused to pick me up coz he said he was going to Woodlands for change of shift.Me: Uncle, NUS clementi eh sai buey?Cabbie: *shakes head cooly*Me: Uncle, ke yi la. Wo zai yu zong deng hen jiu liao leh..deng le 30 fen zong le! Ke yi la...Cabbie: *drives off*And then ah, a giant bendy bus came along at high speed and the great velocity resulted in splashing of water all the way till my face, leaving me speechless.Thankfully, after 40 minutes, a cabbie finally picked me up and the 1st thing he told me was:Nice Cabbie: (Translated) Wah lau eh, morning rain so heavy i see oredi also dun want to drive lor. Purposely la kopi and read newspaper at kopi tiam 1st. On-call machine i also purposely dun want to switch on, wait a lot of people call for cab very ma fan also.Ah hah! Now i noe why there are so few cabs around in the morning.Anyway subsequently we had a nice chat along the way, talking bout studies, marriage, politics, healthcare..and how his friend' s son got into a accident when he fell down and became mentally ill..after which his girlfriend left, career also gone etc..he also talked bout how another of his friend's daughter left overseas to Australia to study, and ended up getting pregnant with her new Australian boyfriend there..after which they married and she decided not to come back to Singapore anymore..Must say that the conversation we had along the way was really enjoyable and insightful, and made me forget my earlier frustrations at flagging for cab. Sometimes its good to hear from differing perspectives of fellow Singaporeans, esp from the elder generation.If i had to pick 1 highlight of Friday 17th August 2007, this was probably it. =)
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
You noe, the other dae i had this little nightmare, where i dreamt that my library fines for my 2 very very overdue books turned out to be $38!!heh heh, so u can imagine my delight when i waited with bated breath as the fine-paying-cum-bao-ka-liao machine accessed my account, and told me that my fine was only worth $7.80. n_nEh, somemore its an accumulation of not only 2 books, but over 7 books from the past. Manz, i couldnt even rem that i had borrowed some of these books in the past.
Unknown to many people, i do read a lot of books which are of non-academic nature. I love reading up on self-improvement, relationships, management, leadership, autobiographies of successful people, and most recently, on the airline industry.
Monday, August 13, 2007
THE END OF EVERY JOURNEY IS THE BEGINNING OF ANOTHER ADVENTUREAnd so it ends..the 4th and very last FOP for i said a lot of times, I like to leave NUS with no regrets. And i think i have achieved that after my final Rag and O Week.It was a special feeling returning to O Week this year, after missing out last year coz i was at Rag side, and esp being House IC of my beloved S House. Not many pple realized, but i always have a special affiliation with S House (Skylar then) ever since i was Arts Camp PD in year 2 heh heh. Watching Saofeng grow closer, cheer louder, and bond deeper with each passing dae was really heartwarming and brought many many unforgettable memories which i ll cherish very very much. I guess it wasnt easy to build up a whole new S House spirit after so many of our lao jiao councilors left or didnt come to Arts Camp, but for O Week, i could really feel the house spirit becoming much much stronger and closer.I cant thank friends like my fellow House IC Camy, and my OGLs Carol, Wilson, Mao Mao, Joshua, and Harris enough. You guys rock big time! =) I had tons of fun talking rubbish and playing with Camy ahahhah, and i really wanna thank her for always being there when i m not around. Carol esp, for putting in so much effort to bring back all the lao lao councilors such as Joshua, Khid, Yvonne, Lao ye, Weilong, Peiyong, Fel, Leonie etc. All the senior and freshie councilors who were a breath of fresh air and ever so pumped-up and rara!! ahahha! And of coz, the fresh freshies who made the effort to come down for O Week!! After all, what ll FOP be without the most impt pple- the freshies??? Not forgetting the fellow House ICs whom i had so much time fooling around with ahahah: Bobsie, Ben, Chongz, Ker Ching, Little India, guys rock as well!!! This year's RFO has also been a great chance to re-unite with old, very old friends ahah. Not many surviving year 4s around, but to pple like Bobsie, Chongz, Jianwu, Alvin, Leonie..i guess we ll always feel a special bond to friends of our own batch hee.. Thank u guys so much for coming back together for that 1 last special hoo-haa for RFO! Bobsie and Chongz in particular, for always being there for me when i needed a listening ear or a shoulder to rest on during this period, when it hasnt been easy for me to perk myself up given the emotional problems i had to go thru.And over to the Rag side, despite Arts not winning anything again this year, I believe and still feel that we are on the right track. Like i said at the end of Rag dae, it took years for Science to build up to where they are todae, and i m still optimistic that the time ll come when Arts will win Rag. But still, emphasizing on not winning Rag will be unfair and an injustice to the Raggers this year, who put in so much effort, blood, sweat and tears to push out the giant yellow submarine, and to come out with possibly the best Rag dance in years. At the end of the dae, i believe that the collective Arts Rag efforts for the past 2 years have genuinely won a lot of respect and admiration from the public and our opponents, and made many people sit up to recognize that Arts Rag is a serious competitor unlike the past. Definitely, there are many things and many areas where Arts Rag can improve on, and it is impt that future PDs and MCs are open-minded and keen to learn from the past, and build on for the future. But for now, lets not take anything away from the Raggers who gave so much to Arts Rag. =)On a personal note, it has been my last Rag as well, and really mixed feelings i guess... Those who were pushing out the Rag float on the last dae will realize how crappy and noisy i was haha..on 1 hand, i was trying very hard to cheer and lift the spirits of everyone up coz i felt the atmosphere was kinda tense, and on the other hand, i was really genuinely happy and proud to be pushing out the Arts float 1 last time in my life. It hasnt been easy splitting myself up doing both Rag and O Week together, but i m glad i made it as well =)And so to a new phase of life..... but the memories ll always stay. n_n
Thursday, August 09, 2007
JUST LIKE OLD TIMES...Todae's Sentosa dae of O Week was fun and I was glad to see most freshies enjoying themselves. It dawn on me, Chongz and Bobsie that it ll be our last ever beach games in NUS though haha.
Over at Rag, the early morning storm where everyone had to chiong to protect the float brought back many memories as well. It happens every year during the final days of Rag.
It does feel sad though, over the past week, to hear a lot of people cursing most of the fop projects left right centre. And frankly, its absolutely amazing how some in the current MC can afford to be so nonchalant about their own FOP. Does Rag, Flag, and O Week mean NOTHING to some of them?
Just hope that by the end of Saturday, everything ll end on a high. Both Rag and O Week.
People reap what they sow. For those who gave everything they had: I believe, and still believe, that they will not regret the individual journeys that they have embarked on during this FOP adventure, when everything falls into place on Saturday.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Ragging with Wenhui, Jennifer, Guan Guan, Gandhi and Yuen mei was like deja vu suddenly for us haha..reminded us of last year's Rag at that moment. With all e usual banter and the "WoUlD YoU RaThER" questions heh..
Lotsa thoughts flowing thru my mind tonight. Hard to put them down here though haha.
4 more days To the endOf O WeekAnd Rag.There is still timeFor those in power to rise above themselvesAnd make these 4 days countNot for youNot for meBut for the freshmen.For the future.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
The Cycle is Almost CompleteBack from my weekly soccer session, and yeah, i had a great time! n_n Later going down to Chjimes to watch United VS Chelsea with lao ye, peiyong and company! Woohooo! So excited that the new season is going to start!!
I must say, O Week' 07 has been really enjoyable for me so far =) Esp due to Camy!! (even tho u are still on my ignore list hmmph! heh heh) My fellow nosey-and-in-her-own-blowing-bubble-world Bluey house ic.. And of coz SAOFENG!! The councilors, the lao laos, the freshies, u guys rock la!! With each passing dae, i feel so heartwarmed to see the house spirit and internal bonding getting stronger and stronger. And not forgetting the fellow House ics as well!! Esp Chongz, Bobsie, and Little India, old foggies back for 1 last bang!
At the same time, it has been really really tiring for me personally.. just feel that i get more tired easily, compared to the past. And as forecasted, its even more tiring to go down to rag after each night, adding up to a total of only a few hours of sleep for the past few daes. Shagged man. Really. I need all the sleep i can tonight to recharge for the full assault next week.
I was looking for a sign.
Two came along instead.
The first one was disappointing. Disappointment not in the sense of rejection but in the sense of how u see everything only from your own point of view.
The other sign came all the way from Australia. In the form of a green letter. After so many years, u are still here when i needed u the most. Thank you really. Thank you. Remember the "guiding light in the dark"? You are still the one shining it, not me.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007