Sunday, July 20, 2008
COME ON HOCKTom is the start of a very very xiong week. Doesnt help that i m a bit down with flu bah.Am bracing myself. Though the going ll be tough, but I believe i can find the inner strength within myself to persevere. I always have.N i noe i ll become stronger thru all these. With each passing dae n week.
So let me psyche myself up by saying that Rome wasn't built in a day, and that before a man learns how to fly, he must learn 1st how to walk.Strength and honour.
Friday, July 18, 2008
1 more week to the main event.Been incredibly busy haha. So is our entire team & colleagues.2 new interns from NTU just joined us this week. 1 of them ll be reporting to me & ll be assessed by me. Haha, how time flies. Just 6 months ago, I was an intern myself. Trying my best to give him a holistic picture of the organization & how Airport operations work. Not always easy for interns everywhere to get a full picture of whats going on.Been very excited as well. Was given another 2 new big projects to work on. Make my blood n mind stir again haha. I like that kind of feeling as always.Admist all the hecticness, I found time to meet some dear old friends, including amongst them Diana baby, Ning Ning, Gracie & Don. haha. Was so happy that night. Glad that Don s started work also liao.Though its super unfortunate that i cant meet Nicki, Kai, Viv, & Mr Pius Tang due to work commitments. Havent seen them for damn long la.Time flies v fast indeed when u re at CAAS hee. -------Interesting words from a colleague today..that no 2 snowflakes are the same. haha. I do hope to see snowflakes 1 day. I m coming on to 25 & still haven't seen snow in my lifetime heh.
Friday, July 11, 2008
ON THE REAL THINGSo I finally commenced after 4 years haha..after watching past seniors in 2005, 2006, 2007 throw their mortar hats, finally its my turn hehe.Aiyah, too tired to say too much for now lah.Shall just sum up the dae in 1 word: Fantabulous!!
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Haha, i thought it was quite amusing that i was flooded with messages from friends asking me whether I m ok or not todae.Dun worry dudes, I m totally fine yeah. =) Couldn't be happier actually...coz i felt a huge load off my mind.
Cheers to the future. hehe.
Monday, July 07, 2008

ON COMMENCEMENT PART 1A short word about the weekend: It was fantastabulous as usual. Wah lan, 2 texas poker nights in a row, what more could I ask for man hahaha..Plus a delightful BBQ with the 26th OAC at Peh's place. I always lurve OAC bbqs..heh, our fire & food always sibei steady wan.Anyway, went for Commencement today. Was a long ceremony, and obviously I felt really proud to have received my scroll from President Nathan. =) My whole family was there as well, & I took lotsa pictures.But....something just didnt feel right. I even felt numb to the entire occasion. And I figured it was the company haha. Coz its really more exciting, fun, dynamic, relaxed, & informal to commence with one's fellow Honours friends & classmates. Heh heh, thankfully Damien was sitting beside me, so we could spend the entire ceremony chatting with each other. As such, I m really looking forward to Thurs's commencement with the PS & Soci peeps! =) Didnt have the chance to throw my mortar hat todae, coz I m saving it for Thurs wahahaha! And I m looking forward to taking PS Hons cohort picture together hee.In short, I feel the company around you during Commencement is really v v impt. And whoever is reading this, pls rem to wear white top for the ceremony k. Looks much nicer when taking photos. =)
On a separate note, I think its best that things remain this way. I thought quite hard about it. And I feel this is the best for both yourself & myself.
The times we had were beautiful, sweet, happy, & blissful memories which I ll always hold dear to my heart. =) I loved u deeply. I still did for a long long time even after u left me.
In fact, it is only 11 days to 18th July 2008. Almost a year le.
You asked me back then at Chjimes under the lighted tree; how long I might possibly wait for u to come back.
I said I didn't know. The only thing I know is that I ll wait.
Which is why I wasn't able to give my heart to anyone else.
I dun fall easily into love. But when I do, I fall really really deeply.
Maybe things would have been different if you have told me earlier.
Maybe things would not have been different.
But in any case, there is now someone else who cares for u, someone else who can take care of u & make u happy. Someone that u shud look forward to to build new, happy memories. =)
I found this on a website:
What does love mean?
If you love someone because you think he or she is really gorgeous,
Then its not love..
If you love someone because you think that you shouldn't leave him because others think you shouldn't,
Then its not love..
If you love someone because you can't live without his touch,
Then its not love..
Its' "LUST"
If you love someone because you have been kissed by him,
Then its not love..
If you love someone because you can't leave him thinking that it would hurt his feeling,
Then its not love..
If you love someone because you share everything with him,
Then its not love..
But if you feel the pain of the other person more than him even when he is stable
And you cry for him,
That's "LOVE"
If you get attracted by other people but stay with him without any regrets,
That's "LOVE"
If you let him go knowing that he has to go but he doesn't want to,
That's "LOVE"
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
ON AN EARLY 1ST PAY CHECKIts a nice yet surreal feeling to see my bank account rise to 4 digits again...after years of relative poverty as a student haha..(And I mean years heh)And even tho its not a full month salary credited, but its really a pleasant surprise esp when I wasnt expecting it till July 12th..The feeling of financial independence...and being able to support my parents financially, makes all the hard work worth it. =) The 1st thing I did after I received my pay was to sms my siblings & thank them for all these years of providing me additional allowance, esp my elder sis. And of coz, call my mum & tell her with all the pride in the world that she doesnt have to support her youngest son anymore. And it helps that I love my job. So much so that I can leave office at 10 pm todae & still smile to myself happily haha. :) Wonderful Mondae. Great start to the week.