Sunday, November 16, 2008
TAKING GRADUATION PHOTOS - PART 2I am beginning to realize a trend. That I am only blogging once a week nowadays. haha. And it is always on late Sunday nights. (Btw Sunday nights really suck, coz it signals the end of the weekend for everyone)Year end peak period has come to Changi Airport. Expecting much heavier workload to come, tho not as if its not heavy enough now haha.I need to manage my work-life balance better. I havent been exercising as much as I would have liked for the past month. And I haven't been meeting/talking to my old friends as much as I would have liked.Anyway, todae I went to take family graduation photo. Those kind which our parents have always been looking forward to haha. My sis, bro, and I were all decked in our graduation gowns, while my parents were nicely dressed as well.I dun really like taking such formal photos haha, but its more of to make my parents happy. And finally after 25 years of my existence, we are going to have this big 35-inch photo frame in our living room with the 3 children all happily graduated, working, & having found their respective loved ones. =)Btw, my sis' boyfriend proposed to her 2 weeks ago. So she ll be getting married around next yr Sep/Oct. So happy for her! =)Anyway, I have finally signed up for Class 3 driving licence. Ll be clearing my theory tests asap before chionging for the practicals. I want to get this asap & start planning for buying a car in perhaps 2-3 years time, after clearing my tuition fee loans. Wonder whether this sounds Un-Hockish, but I have been thinking for a while now..n may discontinue riding the day I purchase a car. Its hard to explain. Its not that I dun love riding. I still do, and I love every moment when I mount on my bike and get my throttle roaring. For info, Ghost Rider's still pretty much my favourite superhero. =)But the harsh realities of working life, as well as wanting to ensure that your loved one & possible future wife (even with kids! :p ) travels around in the greatest comfort necessarily dictates that a bike may not be enough.That said, the Harley dream is still etched in my background. =) Won't forget it.I ll be going for another overseas trip pretty soon with my darling. :) Can't wait! Also looking forward to spending Christmas, New Year, Chinese New Year, & Valentine's Day with her! Love u baby~
Monday, November 10, 2008
RANDOM THOUGHTS AFTER 5 MONTHS OF WORK5 months in the workforce sound so short, as it is almost equivalent to 1 semester in University. But the contrast couldn't be starker, at least thats what I feel. Working does make one age so so much faster. Good or bad, I guess it depends.Past few days, I read that DBS just retrenched 900 workers. Obviously times are bad, & a lot of companies, not just banks, are tightening costs. Unemployment rate set to rise.So seriously, if I were graduating this Dec 08 or in May 09, I would be really worried about whether I can find a job. I wonder whether our current students are worried. If u re reading this right now & u re not worried, then I m worried for u.Becoz when u graduate, u ll be competing with hoards of other people among these pool of laid off workers. And they have something u dun have: working experience. Sometimes years of working experience. Real working experience, mind you, not any average internship experience. So it ll be very much tougher for u to compete with them for jobs.So much for projects, assignments, readings, tutorials, essays (be it 5,000 word or 10,000) & exams. One fine day u ll realize that all these things doesnt matter at all when u start working. And nobody gives a damn about yr cap score. Obviously your degree is yr passport. But thats about it.So start getting worried if u still are not. Prepare yr resume, referrals, cover letters early, & start thinking seriously about which industry, job, & company u want to go into. Apply asap.If u still have time, beef up on any internship experience, tho admittedly its harder to find in Dec period. If not, try & do some part time relevant work.This sounds a bit mean. But if u realistically feel that there 's no chance of (A) 1st Class Hons (B) 2nd Upper Hons (C) Even doing Hons in the 1st place... then dun waste too much time on your studies. Save it on something that can help u more when u graduate & apply for jobs. For eg, if u re thinking of entering the shipping industry, start reading up on it. Find out the trends, the developments, the challenges, the major players, the complexities etc. Find out which companies are hiring. Go & talk to people, friends, seniors, relatives etc. Network some more. You never noe when u need the help of anyone to secure a job.Dun get too upset if u feel that u submitted a crap essay, if u cant finish revising for exam, if u havent started, if u have been sleeping a lot during this hectic studying period etc. A few months down the road all these things wont matter anymore. And u ll realize that there are much more important, necessary, & worldly lessons to be learnt in life & in yr career, rather than in your readings. (you ll throw them away anyway =) )Be warned ya. =) Mugging isnt everything. It doesnt secure u jobs, esp in these times of economic crisis. Unless u want to go into academia or teaching.Go & do things that ll help u secure the job u want. Like building up yr CCA records, achievements, working experience, internships, networking, industry/company/job research, interview skills, confidence.
Good luck.
Monday, November 03, 2008

For quite a while over the past year, I have been telling classmates, friends, & brothers that I haven't found someone I really like. And that I was really enjoying my singlehood hehe.
Some believe & some dun. But my personal philosophy has always been very clear: We make so much better lovers when we are happy with our own lives, when we have found our inner peace, and when the amount of joy inside us is overflowing so much that we wish to share this happiness with another person. Anyway thats just me..For different people have different reasons for falling in love. Heck, one may even say that u dun need a goddamn reason to fall in love in the 1st place haha.
Anyway, lately I have fallen deeply in love.. =) I love her so so sooooo much!
For her emotional maturity, stability, drive, feisty chillipaddiness, big heart, empathy, warmth, sweetness, cool-&-nonchalantness, style, grace, big sparkling eyes, cheekiness, zippy sense of humour, non-proficiency in opening doors... For her smile, naughtiness, athleticism, passion for badminton & dance, adventurous spirit, zest for life, appreciating my nosiness & lame jokes, beauty, being so understanding, & the way she becomes cranky at night.
And of coz...for appreciating a good 'O beer with me wahahah! :p
I m happy. Really happy...
"There is no half-measure when it comes to loving someone. You either don't, or you do with every cell in your body, completely and utterly, without reservation or apology. It consumes you, and you are reborn, all the better for it."
- Adrian Tan
I am reborn. =)
Thank you for loving me.